Thanksgiving 2013
Posted on December 1, 2013 by Ching under Events, Family, Food and Drink.
Brian’s parents who normally host Thanksgiving moved to Oklahoma during the week of Thanksgiving so we ended up hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year. Neither Brian nor I really cook so we went the easy route and ordered our holiday dinner from Fresh Market. It was a good move because the meal was delicious!
We had both ham and turkey, whipped potatoes, gravy, stuffing, corn soufflé, green beans, cranberry relish, and yeast rolls. Chad made scalloped potatoes and deviled eggs. Mom made lumpia. Brian made chocolate cobbler and we didn’t burn them this time. LOL. Everything was really good but the corn soufflé was clearly the star of the show. I’m not much into corn bread, but the corn soufflé was sweet and cake-like. I’m never eating corn bread ever again. Corn soufflé all the way. LOL.
Oh, and Brian’s mom left her buffet servers so after reheating everything in the oven we use the buffet servers to keep them warm. It worked out perfect. I’m thinking we may use these again come Christmas time. Speaking of, time to start planning the menu but, knowing us, we’ll probably just end up going through Fresh Market again.
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