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Thanksgiving 2017

Posted on December 29, 2017 by under Family, Food and Drink.    

Brian’s parents came up from Oklahoma for Thanksgiving this year. It worked out great because the place where we normally get our Thanksgiving dinner form (Fresh Market) closed a couple of years ago. Since Brian’s mom enjoys cooking she offered to make Thanksgiving dinner. In exchange, we agreed to buy all the ingredients and have them ready for her.


Brian put together the most hilarious grocery list.


Brian usually gets ham from his work but Donna wanted a 20-lb turkey also. We have never bought so much food from the store. Ever.


This is where he tells me to brace myself. LOL.


Here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving feast.










Here’a picture of grandma’s plate.


It turned out to be just the five of us. Brian, his parents, grandma, and me. Brian’s parents invited another couple to join us but they canceled last minute. Brian and I also invited Eleanor, Peter, and Ella but Peter ended up falling ill and so they bailed as well. We appreciated him not spreading his germs to us, though.

Eleanor and Ella stopped by later that evening to enjoy some of the homemade chocolate ice cream that Brian’s mom made. We also sent them home with a bunch of leftovers. We still didn’t make a dent, though. We had leftovers for days. We tried to eat as much of it as we could but mostly ended up just throwing a bunch of food away, which is a complete departure from our usual MO.

I always feel so wasteful throwing food away. I think next year we’re going back to just having the right amount of food. You live and learn.

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