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Holiday Bullshit

Posted on December 30, 2013 by under Games.    

So my favorite game, Cards Against Humanity, ran a special over the holidays where if you gave them $12 they’d send you 12 random things over the holidays. They called this promotion the 12 Days of Holiday Bullshit.

Here’s part of their plea for money:

Here’s how it works: You give us $12, and we’ll send you 12 mystery gifts over 12 days. Our accountant told us that this holiday stunt is “highly inadvisable,” so we’ve limited it to the first 100,000 people who sign up.

I’m a sucker for this sort of thing so naturally I signed up right away. Brian who is overly paranoid was really upset at first. He is very leery about this sort of thing. Specially when they sent me the following response:

Order #30131 placed on 11/13/13
Congratulations on giving $12 and your address to some strangers on the Internet. You can reply to this email if you have any questions.

He thinks I’m too gullible. However, as it turns out, the $12 was actually a pretty good investment. I got a ton of new, limited edition (since they only made 100,000) CAH cards and a bunch of other surprises. On the 12th day I got my very own card.


Okay, so some of the gifts were delivered out of order, but this card was gift for day 12. This alone was worth every penny of the $12 I gave them. LOL.

If I had to do it all over again, I’d give money to strangers on the internet in a heartbeat. Specially if these strangers are as brilliant as the CAH people.

If you’ve not yet discovered the fun game that is Cards Against Humanity, I suggest you go online right now and make one or, better yet, order it from Amazon so I can get commission. LOL.

I can’t wait to see what they come up with next year!

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