Archive for "Games"
New Board Games
Posted on January 16, 2024 by Ching under Games, Hobbies.
Brian and I learned to play a new board game last week. Zach and Lisa taught us how to play Blokus, a 2-4 player strategy game using block shapes.
When Zach first told me about it a few weeks ago, I thought it sounded fun so I went ahead and ordered it (XL version) and Trigon (triangle shapes version) off Amazon. When my Trigon game arrived, we went over to Zach and Lisa’s place and they taught us how to play Blokus (that was our first time playing) and then we also played the Trigon version.
I’m not sure if this is a well-known fact but Brian and I love playing games. We love card games, board games, really any games. Brian’s actually playing chess with me again too (and kicking my butt, I might add).
Anyway, I thought I would share our most recent game purchases:
- Blokus XL – This is the same as the Blokus game but with bigger pieces.
- Blokus Trigon – Same as the Blokus game but with triangle shapes instead of squares.
- Blank Slate – Super fun game that Colby brought to Susie’s house last month. I ended up ordering it that same night. We brought the game to Christmas Eve lunch at mom and dad’s and it was a hit. It was $25 was I ordered it but it’s actually on sale right now for $19 so if you want to buy your own game, now is the time to order it.
- Qawale – This is a two player game Brian and I discovered via an online video. It’s quick and fun.
Are there any other games we should check out? We are open to suggestions. Let us know in the comments.
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Mexican Train Dominoes
Posted on June 3, 2021 by Ching under Games.
Brian and I discovered a new game while we were in St. Louis thanks to our friends Tiffany and Donnie. It’s called Mexican Train Dominoes.
We spent several hours at night playing. It was so fun. I am completely hooked and bought my own set immediately upon returning home.
All the dots are a bit overwhelming but you get the hang of it once you get used to the colors and dot configurations. The game is really fun. We will have to play it next time we have family over.
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New Year’s Eve at the Huntees
Posted on January 14, 2021 by Ching under Events, Games, Life.
Since large gatherings are kind of frowned upon right now, Brian and I didn’t really have any New Year’s Eve plans. We were prepared to spend the evening at home in our pajamas but got invited to join the Dills and the Huntees which, me being the social animal that I am, I gladly invited on our behalf.
Their son Cody and his wife Molly were there too. Mama Dill and Gronk joined the fun as well. Below is a picture of group playing Pick Your Poison, which is a cross between Cards Against Humanity and Would You Rather?
The game was a bit more complex than Cards Against Humanity and you had to keep score using pen and paper because it wasn’t just one point per round. You could score a different number of points based on certain scenarios and each person would get their own score. Anyway, there are nuances of the game that can be a bit much specially after you’ve had a few drinks.
Speaking of drinks, I decided to get the December Shaker and Spoon box (Rums of Origin 3) for our friends this year so I brought my drink kit to the Huntees that night and we made some more drinks.
This is a picture of the Abukado Colada drink, which would have turned out much better had we read the instructions on how to properly use the can of coconut milk that was provided. It still tasted fine to me but everyone else was weird about it.
Each Shaker and Spoon box comes with recipe cards like this one. We should have read the one for Abukado Colada thoroughly before making it. LOL. Kiss of the Oceans is the other drink that we made that night. When you follow the directions and measurements, it doesn’t make very much. That’s probably a good thing because it’s quite strong. Of the three recipes they sent, this one was the strongest.
We didn’t stay at the Huntees very late. After a couple of drinks and a round of Pick Your Poison, we pretty much had to go — because, you know, we have that thing that we do at midnight on NYE every year.
Thank you so much to the Dills and Huntees for including us in their NYE festivities, and to the Huntees for being such wonderful hosts. I really enjoyed hanging out (which I’ve really missed doing since this pandemic started). It was tons better than just sitting at home and staring at Brian. LOL.
Until next time. GNG.
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My Collection of Dance Games
Posted on January 16, 2018 by Ching under Games, Shopping, Wishlist.
I asked Brian to take me to Game Stop before we had my last Zumba World Party party because I wanted to beef up my collection of dancing games. We found some games at Game Stop but we didn’t remember what I already had correctly so we ended up getting a duplicate of Just Dance 2016. Brian had to take the game back the next day since I already had it. It worked out great for him though because he ended up getting one of the games he wanted.
In the meantime, we didn’t want something like this to happen again so we decided to take a picture of all my dancing games. Next time we go to the store to pick up a new game for me, we can consult my collection first and then we won’t end up mistakenly buying the same games over again.
Here’s what I have so far..
Of course I have Zumba World Party. This is the whole reason that we bought me an XBOX and Kinect to begin with.
I also have several Just Dance games.
Just Dance 2016 is the one we ended up buying again on accident. I didn’t realize I already had it. The ones I’m missing from the series are actually Just Dance, Just Dance 2, Just Dance 3, Just Dance 2017, and Just Dance 2018. I don’t really much care about the first three Just Dance games but I did order Just Dance 2017 since they didn’t have it at Game Stop. I’m waiting for the price of the latest game in the series, Just Dance 2018, to drop in price before I buy it.
As far as Dance Central games go, I have these ones…
I think these are the only ones they ever made in the series, though. Do you guys know of any dancing game that I should definitely add to my collection?
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Becca’s Birthday Game Night
Posted on December 13, 2016 by Ching under Events, Games.
We had the opportunity to celebrate Becca’s birthday last month. It was the Saturday after Thanksgiving so the theme was “Leftover Potluck,” which was perfect because we had a ton of leftovers.
I was trying to earn some bonus points so I wore my one and only Pats shirt.
We played some Cards Against Humanity and the new Mouthguard Challenge game. I didn’t want to put one of those things in my mouth so I volunteered to be the game master and official picture-taker.
It was hilarious! We had a great time celebrating Becca’s birthday. Cheers to another awesome year!
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