Christmas Parties Galore
Posted on December 20, 2016 by Ching under Events.
The holiday season is upon us and you know what that means. Christmas party time! Brian and I had several and we managed to hit all of them but one. We couldn’t make the Edward Jones holiday party at Cowtown over the weekend because I was too sick to go out.
Nickira and I were on our own for the Big Brothers Big Sisters holiday party this year. The party fell on the same weekend that we were moving grandma from Cherry Creek to Victoria Falls. Brian had to help with the move so this year Kira and I went to the party by ourselves without Brian.
After grabbing a quick lunch, we were off to Botanica. I always get confused and couldn’t find the entrance at first but we made it. Kira and I got to do so crafts and she also got to talk to Santa and Mrs. Clause. I think she told Santa she wanted an iPhone 7. LOL. The kid has expensive taste.
She did get a couple of fun, craftsy presents but she was a little disappointed that Thunderdog didn’t come to the party this year. Last year Thunderdog showed up and gave a bunch of stuffed animals to all the kids. Nickira got a giant stuffed dog. We were hoping for the same this year but no such luck.
Kira talked me into browsing the gift shop at Botanica on our way out. It was actually pretty fruitful because I found some Christmasy jewelry to wear to my work holiday party that night. We also got a festive headband for Nickira.
Fast forward to that evening. Brian and I made it to the Employees’ Association holiday party at Joe’s. The funny thing is that we thought we completely missed it.
Brian and I were enjoying a nice dinner with his dad at Bubba’s 33 when I started seeing party pictures at Joe’s come through on Facebook. They were of the same people I expected to see at the EA holiday party so I freaked out just a little bit.
“I think we’re missing the party,” I told Brian.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I think the party is happening right now,” I replied as I showed him the pictures on Facebook on my phone.
“You mean we’re missing the party that you bought tickets for?”
I nodded, “I think so,” as I frantically dug through my purse in search of the card with instructions that Carly had given me the other day.
I finally found the card and, much to my relief, it said that the party was on Saturday night and not Friday night.
“This must be a completely different party,” I concluded. It just happened to be at the exact same place. LOL.
The party on Friday night was actually the IBEW holiday party. Anyway, you can’t blame me from freaking out because this has actually happened before. Brian and I put together special outfits for a friend’s birthday party and had her present ready and everything and we were getting ready to go out the door when I realized that the party happened the night before (it was on Friday and not Saturday) and we completely missed it. True story.
I’m so glad we didn’t miss this party because we had a fabulous time.
Here are some pics.
I was so busy last year that I completely missed the EA holiday party. I’m so glad we didn’t miss it this year because it was super fun. They had a photo booth, fun trivia, and cheap drink specials. The food was just so-so but the company more than made up for it. The sad part is, I lost at trivia twice that same week. LOL.
Rahima reserved a table for us at the Flying Saucer for Tuesday night trivia. We were supposed to be “Turning our $30 into $50” as our team name proclaims but it was a really competitive, high-scoring trivia night. We had no chance. It was still fun but it’s definitely more fun when you’re winning.
Speaking of winning, these two winners picked up the tab from our friends’ Christmas dinner and gift exchange at Granite City last weekend.
It was a fabulous dinner with the Dills, the Phelpi, and the Larnengs. Naturally, it was at the West side GCFB because they’re all West-siders.
Oh, and it was all going really well until Rune decided to send us all into a sugar coma by ordering a bajillion mini desserts that weren’t so mini.
The mini dessert portions at GCFB are very generous. They’re almost like full-sized desserts. Brian and I were perfectly content sharing one of these.
Rune being Rune, he ordered three of everything!
Next up was the One CIS holiday potluck.
Selena and Kelsey both brought homemade cookies and treats.
Me, being my undomesticated self, I just bought a cake from Cosentino’s and called it good. Michelle went with me and helped pick it out.
After that it was time to celebrate with my Wichita officemates in the CRC.
Once again, the West-siders dominated and we ended up the Bricktown Brewery on 21st and Tyler. The West-siders always get their way. =P
Shanda was the lucky one to get my present this year.
I was so proud of that wrapping too, specially the box. LOL. One year, Carmen bought a special gift box that was bacon-scented dryer sheets and she put her present in that. It was hilarious.
I’m too cheap to buy actual gift boxes. I usually just use old Amazon boxes from previous deliveries or other random boxes that I can find around the house. When we finally finished our cereal and I saw the cereal box, I had to grab it before Brian could throw it away. I knew it would be the perfect box for my white elephant gift!
I loved it because it looked like I was gifting cereal. It’s the perfect cover for the inappropriateness stored inside.
As for me, I got a new game that I have never played yet – Cranium Dark – and a beer-themed deck of cards. I love white elephant gift exchanges!
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