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White Elephant and Sneaky Santa

Posted on January 8, 2018 by under Things to Do.    

I got to participate in several White Elephant (or, as Missy calls it, Sneaky Santa) gift exchanges this holiday season with one more coming up this Friday because my work (CRC) one had to be postponed until more people could attend.


The Smiths hosted a beer-themed White Elephant gift exchange at their home. Brian and I missed it last year so we were happy to be able to attend this time.

Chad posted the most hilarious instructions on the event page. See below.

Official Beer Gift Exchange Rules

Guests are welcome, but anyone wanting to participate must bring a beer gift. All guests must be of age.

All beer gifts must be wrapped. If possible, please chill your gift before the exchange.

Upon arrival, beer gifts will be placed under our festive holiday tree and you will be given a number from our festive holiday hat. Festive holiday sweaters are encouraged.

Anyone who wants to participate, but cannot attend can drop off their beer gift before the exchange and FaceTime/Hangout/Skype their selection.

Beer gifts can be stolen twice during the exchange. You are welcome to trade bottles afterwards.

Mass produced light beers are strictly prohibited. Anyone caught gifting one will be forced to leave with their poor choice of beverage. (We will review security footage if necessary.)

Brian brought his favorite beer for the gift exchange, which Jeff ended up getting.


My team had our holiday luncheon in Topeka where we played the “ball of plastic wrap” game and had a White Elephant gift exchange. The funniest part about this is that I attended a meeting in Topeka on Monday and left my gift on Kelsey’s desk for safe keeping. I told her that I didn’t want to lug the present to my hotel room in Kansas City (or leave it in the car and tempt people) only to bring it back on Thursday. Well, she must not have been paying attention because she accidentally unwrapped it later that day. LOL.

She repackaged it for me but I guess at least one other person on our team saw her unwrap it so my White Elephant gift wasn’t as much of a surprise.


I did get this nifty wall décor at the luncheon that Brian helped me hang. I immediately wanted it when I saw it because both of our cork catchers were getting quite full. This worked out perfect!


Missy had a Sneaky Santa (that’s what she calls White Elephant gift exchanges) at the end of her Christmas Eve class. I got a Bath and Body Works, warm vanilla sugar shower gel from that one.


We also had one at our house during the Zumba World Party Party. I made the price range $5-10 for this one so no one brought a toilet seat and plunger this time.


Oh, I was a jerk who didn’t want to mess with drawing numbers so I made everyone go by age — oldest first. Some people, who do not like to reveal their ages, were not too thrilled about that one. LOL.

I love White Elephant gift exchanges. It’s definitely one of my favorite things to do during the holidays. I can’t wait until we have the CRC one this Friday.

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  • Zumba World Party Party 2.0 on January 8, 2018
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  • Brian’s Work Christmas Party on December 11, 2013

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