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Posted on April 22, 2003 by under Life, School.    

Easter Sunday has been a real blow to my diet. The whole holiday weekend has been a blow to my workout regimen period.

Friday was actually somewhat okay. We woke up, had some McDonald’s breakfast (I usually have a sausage and egg McMuffin with a folded egg when I eat McDonald’s breakfast; this was early enough in the day that I knew I had plenty of time to burn it off), then proceeded to Ashley’s because I promised her that I would help her with her class project. We worked on it for a couple of hours and took off at a little past eleven to go to Shooters (free pool with lunch) to meet his dad and Don for their lunch break. I skipped lunch because I just had breakfast and kicked serious ass at pool (as in Brian lost to me three times and I only lost once to Dave and almost won cut-throat if I hadn’t scratched and put Don, who actually ended up winning after having been out of the game for a while already, back on table).

Next on the agenda was WSU. I knew this was trick from the very beginning but I told Brian (he’s the one who really wanted to go back to school, I had no intention of going back up until that fateful afternoon) that I would go with him anyway because I was more familiar with the buildings and stuff. In the middle of getting re-activated he gets a phone call so I had to complete the re-activation process for him. The lady was just updating information on the computer prior to the re-activation anyway and I told her that I would be able to answer on his behalf. After we finished and he was still on the phone, I asked her in passing if it cost anything to get your school account re-activated and she said no. I thought, well if it’s free then might as well re-activate me too. I’m already here. It’ll save me time when I get a bug up my butt and decide to return to college later on. So she did. She then sent us to the College of Fine Arts office, which was in the same building, so we could get a printout of all of the courses that we had taken (since it wasn’t an official transcript, it would be free). The lady there was really super-nice. She printed Brian a list and, instead of sending me to another place, she printed me a list also.

Brian and I took a minute to pause and ponder our lists. I had 86 credits already (should have 100 or so, because I went for four consecutive years, but I ended up losing a whole semesters worth of credits due to slacking off and stupidity — meaning, audits and withdrawals) and Brian thought it would be such a shame to waste all of those credits. We ended up talking me into returning to college (I’ll be one of those returning adults who used to creep me out when I was a freshman — yikes) in the fall. I’m actually excited because lately I realize how much I loved going to school and I really miss it. I hate doing homework but I love doing projects and helping Ashley on hers just made me realize it even more.

After our campus shennanigans (which consisted of a lot of walking around, good calorie consumption right there) Brian took me to this gown/dress store. It was crappy. I knew there was a reason that,although they’d been in business for several years, I’ve never been there. We ended up looking for dresses (for the upcoming June Filipino ball) at the mall and I actually found one at Maurices. We did some more walking around in the mall (burning more calories, yeah baby) until I finally started getting tired (and cranky). We went to mom’s house in the afternoon and had some leftovers. She had fried tilapia and nilagang manok for me and some fried chicken for Brian. It was so yummy! It was before five o’clock too, so it was the perfect time to eat dinner (for me anyhow, Brian would still need to eat at around ten-ish because of his biological clock). After showing mom my dress and being disappointed to learn that she did not have any shoes that would match my dress in her almost Imelda-like collection, we ended up going to Payless and KOHL’s in vain. I ended up just ordering a pair from the Spiegel website when we got home.

I don’t remember working out on Friday but I did work out on Saturday morning before Brian and I started our day. We both had to work that day. Normally I wouldn’t have to but I traded my Friday (so we could hang out that day) to work on Saturday instead. I remained faithful to my diet and workout regimen through Saturday.

Sunday was the killer. I did not work out at all and Brian refused to allow me to remain within the bounds of my diet (at the risk of offending his mom who was our Easter Sunday dinner host). I can’t say I was averse to it either because I took full advantage of my food freedom. Needless to say, I ate a lot! As in, totally pigged out. And I’ve been pigging out on leftovers since.

I told myself that it was no big deal because it would only be for one day and I would be working out on Monday anyway. Well, guess what. My friend Pia caught me as I was coming home on Monday night and I ended up walking her through a successful installation of Moveable Type and an unsuccessful attempt at installing Image Magick (I finally told her to just email her webhost about it) on her server. I was with her from eight to midnight (two hours on the phone until my cellphone finally ran out of battery and then the rest of the time on Yahoo! Messenger — I’m afraid to ask what her cellphone bill is like) working on her photoblog idea. I didn’t get to work out as planned but I did get some laundry done. So it wasn’t an altogether unproductive evening for me.

Today is a new day and, by golly, I’m really going to work out because my belly is getting super-big again!

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