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Ava’s Army Pub Crawl

Posted on September 29, 2017 by under Events.    

When you think you’re finally caught up and then get behind again… Here are some pictures from the Ava’s Army pub crawl last weekend…


Brian and I ended up getting double-booked because there were two awesome events on the same day that we just couldn’t pass up. Actually, there were multiple events going on but we had to prioritize.


There was Zumba Jam and Master Class at Northwest YMCA that I ended up missing. We had already committed to the pub crawl though. Plus, there will be other Jams and Master Classes. This event only happens once a year and I missed it last year. Who knows when and if I’ll ever be able to do it again?


I’m not typically in full makeup for a pub crawl but we had a black-tie event immediately after.


This is me with Ginger’s daughter Sarah.


Sarah and Carmen.


Carmen and Nick.


Brian and I didn’t have enough for a team so they ended up adopting us on their team: Smarty Pints.


Here’s a much better pic of me and Carmen.


The pub crawl had a huge turnout, even more than last year. Rachel did a great job of organizing everything.

It was a hectic day but totally worth it. I’m so glad we were able to participate even though it was just for part of it. Until next time!

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