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Trip Recap Continued: Day 5

Posted on August 2, 2007 by under Travel.    

This was supposed to be the day we did the resort excursions: snorkelling, glass-bottom boat tour, catamaran cruise. Two out of three isn’t bad. Who knew that the waves would make him sea sick? He never had any problems before. =P

Anyway, we started our day with breakfast at the patio. I think this was the day they brought the mangos. I know there was one day I just had mangos and bacon for breakfast. It’s a weird combination, I know. I’ve never had mangos as fresh or delicious as these, though. It was all you can eat mangos to boot. I was in heaven!

Our first activity was the glass-bottom boat tour. Brian didn’t really get to enjoy much of the scenery because he started getting sea sick less than five minutes into the tour. No worries though because I took pictures of almost everything so he can always just go back and look at the photos. LOL.

Brian pretty much just ignored me and focused on the horizon. He says this keeps him from being so sick that he has to vomit. I guess it was working because he didn’t have to vomit at all. I struck up a conversation with the couple sitting next to us. They’re honeymooners from Los Angeles. I asked her why she chose COR and she explained that out of all of the different all-inclusive resorts they looked at COR had the most excursions included in the package. I told her she made a good choice. I found out that this was their first trip to Jamaica also so I told her about the $200 passport credit. I figured someone was nice enough to tell us this so we could share the goodwill. They’re actually the second couple we told. We told another young honeymooning couple we went on the Dunns excursion with about it. They used the credit for salon services. She ended up getting her hair braided and he got a haircut, among other things.

Then we were going to do the snorkelling thing at 11:00 AM. They use the same boat, they just put wood planks so that you don’t step on the glass bottom. However, Brian wasn’t feeling well from the glass-bottom boat tour and wanted time to recover. We went back to our room where he rested of a bit before the 12:30 PM lunch buffet. I didn’t have anything to do so I decided to do some exploring. I checked out the hidden jacuzzi tubs, the aviary, the grounds. It’s not as fun exploring on your own because everyone you run into is with their partner. I was lonely for mine. Anyway just to tell you how nice all the resort employees are, one of the workers saw me taking pictures of my favorite garden swing and asked me if I wanted my picture taken in it. I was too embarrassed to say yes so I just smiled and said no. I figured I probably looked pathetic being by myself and all. I had flashbacks of Brian being dehydrated during the night of the fancy, dress up buffet night on our cruise five years ago when I ended up sleeping in my dress. I figured I had enough exploring and went to the computer station to upload some pics to Flickr (that’s why you saw our Dunns pictures halfway through our trip). It was a good way to kill time, being partner-less and all. Then I went back to the room to fetch Brian for the lunch buffet.

After lunch we just hung out at the beach while waiting for the catamaran cruise. I was surprised Brian still wanted to go considering his sea sickness earlier that day. I guess he didn’t end up vomitting so no harm, no foul. Several of the TI folks were in this excursion with us: Vicky and Michael (who we sat next to), Marc and Seija, Darcy and Colin, Kent and Dawn, Bob and Mary.. We joked that no one was going to moon us because we were all on the cat cruise. the islanders did not disappoint, though. Kent even got video footage of it. The cat cruise was fun but quite not as much fun as the cat cruise we did in Cozumel on our honeymoon. That was a half-day excursion, though. It involved some snorkelling, beach party where Brian and I got to kayak and I got to play beach volleyball while he lay in a hammock, and limbo and drunken line dancing on the catamaran. (Sorry I couldn’t help compare.) It was still a lot of fun though.

That night we had dinner with John and Wilma and Vicky and Michael at Verandah. I liked dining in the restaurants rather than doing the dinner buffet. I guess because breakfast and lunch are both buffet style so it’s refreshing to end the day with a nice, sit-down dinner. They are so formal there, too. I noticed they kept calling me “my lady” during our first two days. Then they switched to “madame” for the rest of the trip. Anyway, they would take the food orders of all the women first before taking the men’s orders. I noticed this particularly because we were sitting boy-girl-boy-girl in our table of six. They also set the women’s food down before any of the men’s food at the table. And then they would take unused utensils after each course, until gradually only your dessert fork or spoon (depending on what you ordered for dessert) was left. We were actually the last ones to leave Verandah that night. We finally had to leave because we were keeping them from setting up for casino night.

We sat through Showtime for a bit and then went back into Verandah for casino night. They gave you fake money and you got to choose from three different types of games: horse racing, black jack, and some dice game. Brian and I chose black jack. We didn’t lose all of our money but we didn’t win much either. Louise was the big winner, hitting like four or five black jacks in a row. It was her day. She and Mike were married on the beach that same afternoon. Their wedding took place as we were getting our cat cruise orientation.

So anyway, at the end of the casino thing couples got to pool their money together to bid on blind auction items. Lou and Mike won the first one because she had won so much at black jack. I think the other people cheated and started pooling their fake winnings because some of the bids were just outrageous. There was no way any two people could’ve won that much in the short period that we were playing. Then again, maybe Brian and I were just sore that we didn’t win any of the auctions. LOL. We had fun, though, and we met some more people.

Here are some of the pictures we took during the glass-bottom boat tour and cat cruise..

Someone's Private Beach House

Glass-Bottom Boat Tour

Cool Jazz Catamaran

Brian on the Cat Cruise

Mark and Seija

Mary and Bob

Crew Member Dancing to the Big Bamboo Song


Tower Island Mooners

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Most Exciting Anniversary Weekend Ever : Life After Marriage  on August 21, 2011

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