Getting Stranded in Vegas
Posted on January 22, 2011 by Ching under Life.
This is Brian’s worried look (after we realized that our flight to Denver was grounded and that we would miss our connection to Wichita). The plane that we were supposed to board to go to Denver arrived with a flat tire so it couldn’t go anywhere. Anyway, there was only one mechanic on New Year’s Day and he was already tied up fixing a plane with a hydraulic leak. They tried to page the “on call” mechanic to no avail so they finally had to fly a mechanic from Denver. By then, a whole bunch of passengers (Brian and I being two of them) were going to be too late for their connecting flights.
The mob of frustrated passengers at the Frontier gate.
Waiting in line for almost an hour…
Brian trying to sort out our flight home…
It took almost as long to figure things out. Why? Because no one flies to Wichita. At this point, we were left with two options: get stranded in Denver or get stranded in Vegas. We decided to just stay in Vegas and come home the next day. Brian and I really wanted to be home by Sunday morning at the latest so that we could both do some work from home, but it was not to be. The only flights we could get didn’t get us home until late on Sunday night. We had to accept it, though. If we didn’t get out of Vegas on Sunday, it would have been January 4th before we could get out of there.
The next day we were back at McCarran for round 2. We found out that the mechanic did arrive and he got the flat tire replaced. The flight, which was supposed to leave at 3:33 pm on Saturday, didn’t leave until after 7:00 pm. Our connecting flight in Denver would have been long gone by the time it arrived. It was a crazy mess. Anyway, I’m just glad that we didn’t have to spend the night in Denver.
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The Year that Was… 2011 : Life After Marriage on January 1, 2012
[…] We started off the year a little rough when we got stranded in Las Vegas on the very first day of the year. […]