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First Time at Pho KC

Posted on November 1, 2024 by under Food and Drink.    


Tried a new Vietnamese restaurant a couple of months ago. The blog is super behind so I’m only now posting about it.





I’ve seen some negative reviews (mostly about cleanliness, not as much the quality of the food and the service) on Facebook but, when my coworker Chris and I went (the two times we’d been recently), we really didn’t have any issues. I think we need to be more observant, I guess. I had pho and it was really good.

I would go there more frequently but it’s just not in a part of town that is convenient for me and Brian. We don’t venture out to the South side of Wichita much, as we really have no reason to. And, when I’m craving pho, we have Kim’s Noodles which is super close to our house. In fact, we took mom and dad there the other day for dinner. They’d never been before and I think they liked it.

Here are some pics of our Kim’s Noodle dinner for comparison:






It’s kind of hard to top a place that’s less than five minutes from your house. LOL.

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