Our Final Day in Costa Rica
Posted on May 18, 2019 by Ching under Travel.
The day after Jay’s birthday was our final full day in Costa Rica. We originally talked about going ziplining at the adventure park next door but we were all too tired from the previous day’s festivities. We ended up taking the day as another recovery day.
Brian took the whole recovery day idea seriously. He barely left our room. He spent the day catching up on Star Trek episodes.
Justin, Tina, Alicia, and Kirk went scuba diving. Jay is a pouty in this photo because he was supposed to go with them (it was actually his idea to do it) but then he got sick at the last minute.
Here they all are being such good students and listening intently to the dive instructor. The rest of group (plus Jay because now he couldn’t dive with the others) decided to go shopping for souvenirs at Coco Beach.
I didn’t get a ton of pics because I was busy looking for deals. I did buy Brian a nice straw baseball cap. I was pretty proud of myself for negotiating it down from $15 to $12 until I found it another store for $12 because then I was thinking I might have been able to negotiate it down to $10. I also did not get that good of a deal on the shot glasses I bought for one of my Aqua Zumba students at VASA. I got a set of three cute little shot glasses for $9 but then at another store I found even better ones that come in a neat box for the same price.
My negotiation skills weren’t bad for someone whose Spanish is quite rusty. My mistake was breaking the first rule of souvenir shopping. You’re not supposed to buy from the first store you stop at. While I didn’t buy from the first store, I bought from one of the first few stores we visited. Had I been more patient and waited until we were more inland, I would have gotten better prices.
Anyway, after shopping around a bit, the guys got hungry and decided to be adventurous. Jay and Marc decided to try some Costa Rican street food.
Here they are with their meat sticks.
After our shopping excursion, we went back to the resort for lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out at the pool.
This is pretty much what we do to reserve our lounge chairs.
My Wichita flag came in quite handy.
It wasn’t just a unique way to personalize our area but it also made our lounge chairs easier to find. There was no way you could miss us.
This is pretty much where we spent most of our time at the pool.
In between pool time and dinner, we decided that we would have a group sunset photo shoot at the beach.
This is us taking a few selfies while waiting for everyone to show up.
Here’s our super awesome group photo.
Here’s a pic that Jay took with his phone on the way to dinner.
Speaking of dinner, here are a few pics I took at the buffet.
We had such a fun week celebrating this guy’s big 40th birthday. We didn’t want it to end so after dinner we decided to have a night cap at Marc and Reniece’s suite.
This is the view from Marc and Reniece’s terrace.
A few of us hanging out in their outdoor hot tub.
The next morning… here’s one final group pic at the airport on departure day. Jay was pouty that his birthday trip was coming to and end.
What a fun trip it was, though! As a recap, here are some of our favorite group pictures…
This is the Wichita group at the Wichita airport at the start of our adventure.
A picture of our group on our way to Lake Arenal. Whee!
At the end of our boat tour around Lake Arenal.
At the hot springs…
At the pool bar…
At the pool…
We had such a great time on this trip that we’re already talking about taking another trip with the same group.
That’s our 2019 Costa Rica trip in a nutshell. #VacayWithJayJay #PuraVida
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