2014 End of Year Recap
Posted on December 30, 2014 by Ching under Life.
Time to catch you guys up before our annual end of year recap…
- 2008 is the year that Brian started working for Viega, I completed my MBA from Wichita State University, and we dealt cards on a cruise ship.
- 2009 is a year of firsts. We attended Zoobilee for the first time. Brian had his first trip to Germany. He also visited the Philippines for the first time. I completed Leadership Westar. Tita Sol adopted Molly.
- 2010 was the year that we spent a lot of time with the Dills. It started out when we rang in the New Year at Kansas City Power & Light with Jay, Becca, and Mama Dill. A month later, we were traveling with them again. This time to San Francisco. We did a lot of traveling that year.
- 2011 was the year that we started by getting stranded at McCarran International Airport (Las Vegas). That didn’t deter us from traveling, though. We traveled through the East Coast with the Dills that summer and had a lot of firsts. We also got to see James Taylor perform twice: once at Intrust Bank Arena and again at Tanglewood. I also had my first ER trip and my first biopsy. Exciting stuff!
- 2012 we attended a few weddings, most notably Cousin Tracy and Jeff’s destination wedding at Coral Cove Resort in Jamaica. I got my Zumba Basic 1 License and I took Brian to Nashville for his 38th birthday. We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary by closing on our house and then I ended the year with a thyroidectomy.
- 2013 There was Cards for the Cure, a visit from the Orbases, a few appearances on Splurge! Mag, his and hers handguns, first time back at the Filipino ball, Leadership Elite, Brian’s parent’s 40th wedding anniversary, Cards Against Humanity, my first Zumba Instructor Convention, first trip to Minneapolis and Davenport, completed group exercise instructor training and started teaching Zumba for the YMCA.
Here are the highlights of 2014…
- 2014 started shaky with grandma getting hurt. Grandma recovered really well and we all had a wonderful time celebrating her 92nd birthday a few months later.
- I had my first Zumba World Party party. And we had the biggest Cards Against Humanity party ever with three CAH games going on simultaneously.
- I experienced Paint the Towne for the first time with some friends from work. The following month we went back for a couples’ painting night. It was a great idea for Valentines’ Day.
- Inspired by our James Bond project (we watched every single James Bond film ever released), Brian bought his first tuxedo.
- We had an awesome team building experience at the Kansas Food Bank and at the Alley.
- I had a chance to attend the 2014 Zumba Instructor Conference in LA. I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to attend because it’s the last one. They’re not having any more conferences in LA. It was also at the conference that I won a free registration to the 2014 Zumba Instructor Convention. I was going to skip it this year but I couldn’t pass up the free admission.
- I cut my hair short and donated to Locks of Love for the first time.
- I started a short-lived Stella & Dot business.
- I had a lot of fun being an Adventurous Babe.
- We finally had our landscaping redone. No more rose bushes!
- Brian and I joined a bowling league with mom and dad over the Summer and continued it through the Fall. We ended the year ranked number one on our Fall league.
- I got to visit San Diego for the first time.
- We celebrated Brian’s 40th birthday in the Dominican Republic.
- I completed Leadership Wichita 2014.
- We attended several amazing events such as the Labor Run, Zoobilee, Lights on the Lake, and Brew Ha-Ha.
- When we gave Molly up in 2009, we had no idea that we would get her back five years later. She has brought us so much joy already.
- I sold out and switched teams when the new iPhone 6 was released. We also added a new family member, Alex.
- We celebrated our first holidays without Brian’s parents who now live in Oklahoma. Thank heavens for online chat.
- I ended the year with pneumonia, which taught me a very important lesson about taking care of my health because I’m neither young nor invincible. I guess part of getting old is getting sick once in a while and, if you’re not careful, getting really sick. I missed my flu shot this year because of my really busy schedule. I ended up getting really sick (with flu-like symptoms) the weekend before Christmas. I thought I was better and went back to my normal routine on Monday which was a very bad move. I ended up catching pneumonia as a result. It freaked me out because I’d never had pneumonia before and the bloody sputum was scary. It started on Christmas Day and by Saturday still hadn’t gone away so Brian took me to the ER and I finally got some medication.
I’m grateful for all of the wonderful experiences of 2014 and for lessons learned. Looking forward to a happy, healthy 2015!
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