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I’m a Moron

Posted on June 29, 2003 by under Life.    

Okay, I’m a moron.  Boarding House was actually filmed last year.  That’s why it doesn’t coincide with VK’s journal entries.  Everyone knows who wins (Andy Irons won the men’s division and Neridah Falconer for the women).  None of the housemates win.  So what’s the point?  I guess we all just get watch and see if VK and Holly end up killing each other but we know that they don’t because VK is still alive (as evidenced by her diary).  Then again, has anyone seen Holly lately?  LOL!

Other exciting news.  I received a copy of Glee’s first book in the mail last Tuesday.  That was cool.  I’ve always admired her poetry.  Now I’ve got a book of it!  After reading it through, “Anxiety Closet” is still my favorite.  Yes, I really did read it from cover to cover — including the acknowledgements.  I’m probably one of the few people who do that.  It’s a habit that started with CDs.  Everytime I’d buy a CD, I have this habit of reading the acknowledgements.  I mostly do it out of morbid curiousity.  Usually by reading that stuff you can gain insight into the artist’s life, who they’re dating, who they’re friends with, if they’re close to their families, if they’re close to God — that sort of stuff.  This time I actually saw my name amidst the sea of names.  That was pretty neat!

And then this afternoon, after coming home from hanging out and swimming at Ashley’s, we found a wedding invitation in the mailbox.  It’s from Divina.  If she hadn’t told me about their wedding plans prior, it would’ve really come as a shock.  Divina is the last person you’d think to get married!  I’m thrilled that she’s finally getting her life in order.  She’s graduated and now she’s getting married.  All in the same year, too!  That’s quite an accomplishment.  One is challenging enough.  She’s doing both!  That’s really something!  She’s really something!  I’m totally happy for her.  I’m sure Divina will agree, it’s one great, memorable year!

I’m excited too!  Now I’ll have an event to wear one of my bazillion-trazillion dressy dresses.  I have some that I haven’t even taken the tags off.  Now one of them will be called to duty.  Speaking of which, this is the motivation that I need to start working out again.  I’ve quit working out due to my illness and I just haven’t gotten back into it.  I have about a month and a half to get into shape.  Wish me luck!

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