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Steak Plate – Nom, Nom, Nom

Posted on December 30, 2012 by under Food and Drink.    

We braved the cold today and drove to Riverside Park to catch our favorite food truck. As we froze our buns off waiting in line to order and then waiting again for our food to be prepared, Brian was like “This better be worth it.”


Here’s this weeks delicious menu.


As soon as we opened the box containing their signature truffle fries, the delectable aroma filled the car. We both looked at each other and agreed it was worth it.


Brian and I can never get enough of their mouthwatering fries. They are the best hands down. It still amazes me that a little bit of truffle oil, parmesan, thyme, and sea salt can make a dull side such as fries so darn irresistible. These fries are so good that we wouldn’t dare eat them with ketchup. That would be sacrilege!

Every time we eat truffle fries from the Flying Stove, Brian says that he needs to learn how to make them. I’m actually relieved that he doesn’t know how to duplicate these fries because we would both be 300 pounds otherwise! At least this way we only get to enjoy them every couple of months or so and it’s a real treat.


The steak plate is what I was really craving. I saw a picture of it on Facebook the other day and it looked so appetizing. Good thing I wasn’t hungry or I would have eaten my phone. I finally got to try it today and, I must say, it’s as tasty at it looks.

Brian was a little disappointed with the steak being cold. We think that the wind might have killed the warmer. Either that or it was just so cold outside that it couldn’t stay warm. Or we took too long to enjoy the truffle fries (which were made fresh and still hot, by the way) that the steak was cold by the time we got to it. Despite it all, there was no denying its delicious flavor.

If you’ve not tried the Flying Stove, you’re seriously missing out!

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