Sixth Annual Brew Ha-Ha
Posted on November 4, 2012 by Ching under Events.
This has been the most amazing birthday week ever. Besides my epic massage with Michael at Sveta’s this morning, I also got to attend Brew Ha-Ha last Friday. Thank you to Dr. Sherman for the tickets!
Ever since I got to experience Brew Ha-Ha, it has become my most anticipated event each year — even more so than Zoobilee. Zoobilee is awesome but it has gotten so huge. You can’t walk without running into someone. Brew Ha-Ha has a Zoobilee feel, without the hordes of people. And, the drunk guests aren’t quite as obnoxious. LOL.
Since Brian and I now live closer to Andover, we arrived at the event pretty early. It was only twenty after six when we got to the clubhouse, but the parking lot was already filling up. Evidently, we weren’t the only ones who thought of coming early.
When we drove up, I was happy to see that Flint Hills National had not yet taken down their awesome Halloween decorations. I took advantage of the opportunity to take photos with a couple of them. The really good ones were by the entrance, though.
Lila had an extra ticket so I convinced Darcy to go. I figured it would be a nice change of pace from her usual Friday night activities. She didn’t find any eligible bachelors that piqued her interest, though. I was hoping that the Kansas firefighters would be there with the Carrabba’s group. No such luck this year.
I thought Kansas Star Casino’s Chef Adam Correa was as yummy as his food, though. Theirs (pictured below) was the best dish out of all of the dishes that we got to sample that night. I should have gone back for more.
Besides Kansas Star Casino’s Woodfire Grille, the other restaurants that participated this year were Carrabba’s (of course), Chapada, On the Border, and Freddy’s Frozen Custard. The funny thing is that when we were on our way to Wilcox Lodge, the people leaving were complaining that there was no queso this year. I just realized why there was no queso. Last year the Mexican food was provided by Abuelo’s, who were absent this year. P.F. Chang’s was also notably absent.
We got split up early in the evening because when Darcy couldn’t find her lighter, she stalked some guy down for a light. He actually thought he was in trouble when she first tapped on his shoulder and asked if he was smoking. Much to his relief, all she wanted was a light. LOL.
Anyway, Darcy was taking a while so Brian decided he would brave the crowds at Dower Lodge in order to get a chili dog. Darcy came back to where I was waiting and enjoyed her cigarette as we both waited for Brian. Minutes passed and he still wasn’t back. The busses were few and far between so we finally got on one. I told Darcy that I would just call Brian and ask him to meet us at the next lodge.
As soon as the bus started to pull away, I saw Brian’s silhouette walking towards us. I waved at him, but he didn’t realize it was me. I wasn’t sure it was him either until he caught up to us at 4D Lodge later in the evening. He was a little mad that we left him but, hey, he’s the one who really wanted a chili dog. I told him, “I hope it was worth it.” The sad thing is that he didn’t even get one. He said the crowd was so thick that he never made it to the front. He finally just gave up and came back out. Darcy and I both told him that he was gone a really long time. After a few more glasses of beer, he was fine. Thank God for alcohol; otherwise, he would have been pissed at me all night.
Darcy and I decided to skip the chili dogs in favor of the other delicious offerings. However, the three of us did make our way back to Dower Lodge at the end of the evening because Brian really, really wanted one. Also, we heard about their delicious beer-infused milk shakes. We got there just in time. They ran out of stuff to make milkshakes shortly after we got ours. I’m glad we humored Brian and went back to Dower Lodge because I actually quite liked the milkshake. It tasted way better than I expected. Anyway, Brian was happy that he finally got his chili dog.
BTW, I thought my blowout (courtesy of Holly at Beau Monde) held up pretty well. I continued to admire it even after we arrived back home that night. The pictures didn’t really do it justice. I’m so looking forward to having Holly cut my hair in January!
But I digress… Brew Ha-Ha is a super fun event that is not to be missed. Proceeds go toward Big Brothers Big Sisters, a really worthy cause. Ya’ll should consider attending (or donating, if you can’t attend) next year.
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