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Finally Caught the Flying Stove

Posted on March 11, 2012 by under Food and Drink.    

Our FOODIES blog crashed last night, but it was all for the best. Were it not for the blog crashing, I would not have realized that the domain expires this year. See there’s always a silver lining, even when disasters happen. That’s the eternal optimist in me. Anyway, I’ve decided not to renew the domain when it expires in September so I’m going to return to doing all of my food blogging here. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. All of the old FOODIES blog entries will still be accessible here, so not to worry if you’re looking for that sangria recipe or food picture or restaurant review.

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With all that said, let me tell you about our first food truck experience. We’d been trying to catch The Flying Stove since BJ mentioned it on Facebook. However, since the truck moves around to various locations and with our busy work schedules, it’s been quite challenging. Yesterday, I saw a note on Facebook that they were going to be in front of Abode. Brian and I figured this was our chance to try it.

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Here’s what the food truck looks like, in case you’re looking for it.

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This is a photo of Brian placing our food order.

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Jenni, who happened to be downtown at the same time, met us there. She ordered the Korean bulgogi, which is great for someone on a low-carb, high protein diet because they’re basically protein tacos — meat wrapped in lettuce. Holy cow! When she got that thing, it smelled so good! I kind of wish I would have ordered it. However, that feeling subsided after my first bite of the bahn mi.

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This thing had such amazing flavor. I’m not a huge fan of bahn mis but, if they all tasted like this one, I would have been converted sooner. It had to be the most delicious bahn mi I’d ever tasted. It had just the right amount of spiciness to it. Brian was actually surprised that I liked it as much as I did because I’m not a big fan of spicy foods. This was just the right combination of sweet and spicy, though. The little kick at the end is perfect.

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We wanted to sample as much of the food as we could because we weren’t sure if we’d ever see the food truck again, so we also ordered a couple of turkey sliders. So we both had a turkey slider each and then half of a bahn mi. It’s really too much food for that late at night, but this month is screwed anyway (with the ice cream I ate the other day and all the soda I’ve been drinking and all the eating out) that we figured might as well splurge (notice I didn’t say binge; binge is a bad word).

The turkey sliders were good, but not nearly as good as the bahn mi. So when you finally try The Flying Stove, don’t bother looking at the menu. Just get the bahn mi. It is the best thing that they make, hands down.

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Here’s a picture of the menu for those of you who are curious what else they offer. You don’t need it, though. Bahn mi is all you need to know. The Korean bulgogi is probably a close second, but it’s quite messy to eat when you’re not sitting down. The bahn mi is the perfect on the go food.

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Here’s a picture of Jenni eating her Korean bulgogi while trying not to make a mess in the car. See what I mean? Anyway, I have a feeling that we will be following The Flying Stove around this summer. LOL!

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  • Replies to "Finally Caught the Flying Stove"


    Good Friday : Life After Marriage  on April 7, 2012

    […] Old Town just down the street from my work. We hadn’t had a chance to try the new menu yet, but enjoyed the last menu so much that we were dying for another […]

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