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Brian Wants an iMac Like This One

Posted on December 31, 2011 by under Wishlist.    

We were at Best Buy the other day over Christmas break looking for some new workout headphones for Brian. He got these really cool Skullcandy earbuds. For something under $20, they’re actually pretty good.

2011-12-28 13.16.07.jpg

While at Best Buy, we stopped by the Apple section and played around with the floor models. Brian wants one of these gigantic iMacs. I had it in my mind that I wanted a 13″ MacBook Air. However, after playing with it and a MacBook Pro, I realized that I can get a much better computer for a lot less if I’m willing to compromise on thickness and weight. So I’ve decided, I’m going to start saving up to buy a MacBook Pro for my birthday next year. Add that to my list of resolutions. =P

Hopefully, around this time next year, I’ll be typing my resolutions on a MacBook. Gotta start saving!

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  • Replies to "Brian Wants an iMac Like This One"


    Jennifer C  on January 2, 2012

    Brian’s face looks so innocent staring at the huge imac. Much like a child…..

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