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Hai is Moving to Denver

Posted on May 27, 2011 by under Life.    

2011-05-25 19.45.27.jpg

Gina Ann hosted a cookout at her place in honor of Hai since Hai will be leaving for Denver this weekend. Her final class is tomorrow. I am so sad. It seems like we just met yesterday and now she’s leaving. Booo! šŸ™

Here are some pictures that we took at the cookout…

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Nancy and her large melons…

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Brian manned the grill. As he was grilling the chicken breasts, hamburger patties and hotdogs, he had total grill envy. Coley has a huge deck and a monster grill! Their house is made for cookouts!

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Zumba husbands (or boyfriend in Ricky’s case)… =)

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Brian with wives #2 and #3… He loves the attention.

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Ricky and Hai…

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Hai and Nancy…

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Gina Ann..

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We couldn’t help playing with the tequila guns.

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We had a lot of fun. Thank you to Gina Ann and Coley for having us over. Sorry about the late night. You guys are the best!

P.S. Hai, I will miss you! I’m looking forward to Zumba tomorrow, but at the same time I’m sad because it is your last class. Please come back and visit often!

P.P.S. Gina and Karla have more pictures. I think you need to be friends with them on Facebook in order to see them, though. You’ll just have to join our little Zumba crew!

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