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James Taylor

Posted on May 1, 2011 by under Events.    

Brian and I had fun on Saturday. We started the day out by working out for a couple of hours. I did my regular step class at Andover YMCA and then Gina Ann’s Zumba class at East Central Genesis. Misty did the class with me. After Zumba, Misty, Brian and I went to the Artichoke. Brian’s ex-girlfriend Danielle joined us.

Misty had a pedicure appointment that she had to make so she had to eat and run, pretty much. Danielle came over and hung out for a bit after lunch. It gave her and Brian a chance to catch up. It also helped so that now she knows how to get to our place for fight night on Saturday.

2011-04-30 18.06.39.jpg

After she left Brian and I got ready for the concert. We were meeting Doug and Tammy at River City Brewery for dinner before the show so we wanted to get to the restaurant by 6 pm. I’m glad we decided to have dinner early because downtown was still packed. The Cinco de Mayo celebration that started on Friday night continued through Saturday so parking was still very scarce. The fact that several schools were holding prom night only exacerbated the situation.

Dinner was not bad and pretty cheap, since Brian and I decided to just split chicken tenders. The cheap dinner made up for the mix up at the Artichoke earlier that day (the waitress was out of it and accidentally ran Danielle’s bill on our card; we didn’t want to hassle with having her fix it and we figured that, since we were the ones who invited her to lunch, we might as well pick up the tab). And since we split our dinner, we had just the right amount of food. We were both stuffed and didn’t have any leftovers. It worked out perfect. Anyway, I’m sure you are eager to see some of the photos we took at the concert. Here’s a slideshow…

P.S. There are some videos posted on my YouTube. Feel free to check them out. 🙂

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  • Replies to "James Taylor"


    FOODIES » Blog Archive » The Artichoke  on May 7, 2011

    […] realized that I didn’t ever post pictures of our food from the Artichoke last weekend. I think it was because the visit was somewhat bittersweet. The last time we were there to eat, we […]

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