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Meet Rockie

Posted on December 25, 2005 by under Babies.    

Our New Baby Rockie by Ching

He is the newest addition our family.

I have been begging and pleading with Brian to get a boy sugarglider. Brian kept saying to wait until next year. When he says next year, he doesn’t mean the first part of the year either. He means toward the end of the year. I kept pleading and begging anyway.

I finally talk him into going to Exotic Pets in Andover on Friday. Brian felt so sorry for Rockie and his sisters he wanted to buy all of them. We could only take one home, though. Even that was already stretching our budget.

So anyway, this is Rockie. I named him on the drive home.

Incidentally, he almost got named Fred — for Fred and Ginger, which I thought would be funny. Brian vetoed it because he thought it would be creepy to name him after my biological father.

I explained that I wasn’t naming him after my biological father. I just thought it would be funny.

Brian said he’d always think of my biological father if we named our little boy Fred. I kind of liked Rockie, anyway. So we agreed to name him that instead.

By the way, I have an uncle (my mom’s older brother) named Rocky (I think he spells his name with a “Y” instead of an “IE” at the end). It’s kind of hard to pick out names because the name you pick out inevitably turns out to be the name of someone you know.

Like Ginger and Star for example. Ginger happens to be the name of my boss and then Star is the name of one of the APL reps that we know. We didn’t get to name them, though. Sara had already named them before she put them up for adoption.

I think it’s easier to get sugargliders that already have names, especially if you’re indecisive. Naming your pet is kind of fun, though. So I’m glad we got to experience it both ways.

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