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Man What a Year!

Posted on December 15, 2005 by under Life.    

I truly don’t know where to begin with this one, I should go over all the details of the year since that’s what I’m posting about but its just too much to write about. So instead I’m going to sing a song! Kidding, instead I’ll pick a few goods and bads out of the year, things that just really stood out.

January was one of the worst months of the year for us, we had this incredible Ice Storm come in and blanket the entire city in ice and snow. People were without power for weeks; my wife who works for the power company was working almost 18hrs a day for over a month. She was so stressed out that she was about ready to kill everyone that spoke to her. It was a pretty tense time for all of us, but we worked it out.

In April I finally got a job with Cox Communications. It was fun, we had TV’s all over the place and I got to learn something new about a product that I actually used (quite regularly). I also learned that to some people the cable is just as important to them as oxygen is to everyone. I spoke with people that just could not live without their cable, but didn’t have jobs to pay for the services they had. I believe that 50% of the people that I spoke with were on some sort of fixed income like Social Security or Disability. However, they did not budget this income and instead paid cable before everything else. It was really sad to see how much television has infected the minds of society. I watch TV don’t get me wrong, but I have the responsibility to realize that their are more important things to pay like house, power, food, transportation. Some folks just don’t realize that their is a big world out their and television will only make that world smaller if they allow themselves to get engulfed in it.

About July my mother lost her job, this was an eventful time. I tried to console my parents as much as I could, my father thought the world was going to end and my mother lapsed into a deep depression (mainly because she has never been fired from a job before in her entire life). Finally my father realized that this is not the end of the world and tried to look at the positive. My mother is still to this day unemployed. She is continuing to look for jobs in the field that she worked before as a Paralegal Secretary, but the job market is pretty thin in this area.

In September we got 2 new additions t the family, our sugar gliders. They are adorable. If you want to know more about them then just go to my wife’s page. Their is always new pictures and stories about what they have done.

In November I finally quit Cox and started working for Engenio technologies. It’s a great company and I am much happier. I have a lot to learn and it’s real advanced as far as the type of knowledge I need to know. Unlike most of my other jobs I can’t bull shit these people because they actually know what the hell they are talking about. Unlike your average customer in the consumer world that doesn’t know jack shit about anything accept that it’s broke and he wants it fixed.

Other than that we are working every day to make the world better. My new motto; Healing America by Beating People Up!

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