Unboxing Ching’s New Computer
Posted on October 10, 2010 by Ching under Toys.
Brian got to do the honors.
We can be so impulsive sometimes. So my laptop crashed and we couldn’t get it to work and we figured it was toast. What did we do? We ordered a replacement from Dell, naturally.
This reminds me of when we decided to buy a Bowflex out of nowhere several years ago. That was one heck of an impulse buy. We ended up making payments on that thing for years, long after the novelty wore off and we quit using it, which wasn’t really very long to be honest. I think we were paying for that thing ten times longer than we actually used it. When we moved out of our old house, we just ended up giving it to mom and dad because we no longer had room for it.
Anyway, we bought a new laptop only to find that my old laptop is fine. It just needed a little breather. Jay and Becca came over one night to pick up a Bed Bath and Beyond coupon, drank some wine, and ended up staying for a couple of hours. Jay took a look at my laptop and was able to revive it within a few minutes. He’s brilliant like that.
I’m still on my old laptop, though, because I haven’t had time to move all of my stuff over to the new laptop. Jay is buying this old laptop from us when we are both ready. I’ll probably leave the software that’s already installed like Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Office, etc. but I’ll need to clean out information about my Swiss bank accounts, all of my hidden albums and other naughty stuff. LOL.
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