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Busy Saturday

Posted on June 13, 2010 by under Family.    

Brian and I had a busy Saturday. I skipped my workout because Brian wanted to sleep in and I didn’t want to drive myself to the Andover branch YMCA. Actually, I was being lazy as I have been with my workouts over the past week. Also, I wanted to get an early start. We planned on picking up Jennifer Teves at 11:30 am, but picked her up at 11:00 am instead. I’m glad that we started early because we ended up having to pick up Apple on the way to mom and dad’s as well.

Dwayne and Maryland were already there when the four of us arrived. It was a real treat to see baby Danika. It was the first time we’d seen her since her birth.




Zane has grown so much since we’d last seen him.



I got some good pictures, don’t you think?



Actually, I think these pictures are great even if I say so myself. =P


Brian was a little cranky and wasn’t feeling particularly sociable.


He wouldn’t even play ladder golf with us.


We finally managed to coax him outside later that afternoon.


We left just as Armando arrived from work. Brian and I left to meet his parents and grandparents at Freddy’s to celebrate Brian’s and grandma’s birthday.


In all the years of Brian’s life, he and his grandmother have always celebrated their birthdays together. The only years they missed were the two years when Brian was living in Memphis.


Brian got a new coin (to replace the one he lost) and also a new router.


The router was rather timely, too. We had been high-jacking our neighbor’s open wi-fi because, with the router and modem downstairs in the kitchen, our CPU and Blu-ray player in the office (Brian’s room) couldn’t connect to our own wi-fi network. Brian doesn’t like connecting to an open wi-fi, though, for security reasons. Now that the new router is in place, we’re connected to our own secure network.

As for Brian’s other gifts, I’ll let him share those with you all.

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  • Mom’s Birthday Surprise on October 20, 2015
  • Our Busy Saturday on July 26, 2009

  • Replies to "Busy Saturday"


    Jennifer C  on June 18, 2010

    Now it looks like WE missed a good time! Look at the new baby! Look at Apple’s BIG BOY! WOW. I regret having to miss that now. But I was so tired and Matt was uncharacteristicly sick. Bummer. I will not miss the next one with the boys.

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