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Overheard, Chingisms

Posted on February 26, 2010 by under Life.    

While leaving the Walmart parking lot today, Brian and I almost crashed into a van that was cutting through the parking lot. Good thing Brian was alert and stepped on his breaks. Ticked off, Brian instinctively honked his horn. The guy kept on driving and, while still talking on his cellphone, managed to flash an obscene hand gesture our way.

BRIAN: What the hell?

ME: He obviously thought he had the right of way.

BRIAN: He didn’t. I hate stupid people.

ME: Chill out. It’s a parking lot.

BRIAN: But it’s so frustrating. Especially when I know I’m right.

ME: Now you know how I feel all the time.


Anyone want all these cookbooks?

Fast forward to this afternoon when Cory stopped by after work to pick up the cookbooks we found in the attic and the souvenir shirt we got for Gavin from our San Francisco trip (see above). We chatted for a bit and he is the one who suggested that we post our old dining table on Craigslist.

CORY: Do you guys like crab?

BRIAN: Ching loves crab.

CORY: If you want a break from moving, come join us for dinner. I’m cooking crab legs tonight.

ME: We can chip in. [To Brian] Do you still have cash, babe?

CORY: I got a good deal on crab legs. Only $5 per pound.

BRIAN: [Hands a $20 to Cory] Ching can eat her weight in crab legs.

ME: Well, in that case, that’s not going to be enough. I think you’ll need your credit card.

Brian says I’ve been acting weird all day. I don’t think I’m being weird. Just a little funnier. Okay, maybe I’m a tad wackier than usual. It must be the stress of moving. LOL.

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