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Ching Victorious at Bowling

Posted on January 17, 2010 by under Games, Things to Do.    

bowling scores

I decided to skip my Sunday step class in favor of bowling today. Jennifer and Armando, and Mom, and Tita Mila all joined us at Northrock Lanes where they do all-you-can-bowl from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm for only $7 (includes shoes). Not a bad deal at all. The pizza was a little on the expensive side, but they have great pizza (as bowling alley pizzas go) so I guess it wasn’t bad either. The best part? Beating mom at bowling. LOL.

Mom bowled an average of 147 today compared to my 160 average. Brian wanted to know what his was and we figured it at 120. Bowling is the one game that I can consistently beat Brian. While Brian owns racquetball (I can never beat him at it for whatever reason), I definitely own bowling. We are about even at poker. I used to beat Brian at it, but he’s picked up his poker game in the last few years.

We’re playing racquetball tonight. Let’s see if I can finally beat Brian. That would really make my day.

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