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Family Celebration at Legends

Posted on November 15, 2009 by under Family.    

I can’t believe I forgot to post the pictures we took a couple of weeks ago when we were at Legends at the Airport Hilton celebrating my birthday, Grandpa Clark’s birthday, and Grandma and Grandpa Brubaker’s wedding anniversary.


Grandma and Grandpa Brubaker’s wedding anniversary actually falls on the same day as Grandpa Clark’s birthday, which is on October 12 (Columbus Day is how I remember it – LOL). It works out because Grandpa will never forget their wedding anniversary, since it’s the same day as his birthday. Grandma is clever like that. LOL.

My birthday is on the 30th, the day before Halloween. Since these dates are pretty close together, we always celebrate together. This year, however, we couldn’t celebrate until November 1 because mom, dad, Brian and I were in the Philippines for the first part of October and then I’d been in and out of town for work as soon as we had arrived back. Weekends involved coming in to the office to review and approve time tickets and packing for the next trip.

Instead of putting it off longer, which will run into Thanksgiving, Brian and I managed to find a small window on November 1. The date worked for everyone so were able to get together for brunch.

Here are some of the pictures from that day:

Jenni and Donna, chatting. It was warm enough that day that Jenni was able to wear the Cebu souvenir shirt that Brian and I got for her.

This is a picture of me with mom and dad.


There are more pictures on Flickr. Just follow this link.

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