More Photos from Plantation Bay
Posted on November 7, 2009 by Ching under Travel.
Plantation Bay Resort and Spa
Marigondon, Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines
This is a photo of Brian and I at Savannah, taken during our first lunch at Plantation Bay. We had just arrived and dropped our stuff off at our room. Notice that we were still wearing our welcome leis. The best welcome leis ever! These are made of shells so they don’t wilt.
Here’s the lei up close.
Mom and dad in front of their room.
This is the pool by mom and dad’s room.
Yummy treats we found in our room, courtesy of the resort.
Man-made beach/lagoon…
These are what the lagoon-side rooms look like… They charge a premium for these rooms because you’re right on the water. You just step off your patio and you’re there.
One of the benefits of the man-made lagoon is that you don’t have to worry about stepping on sea urchins or other critters. Also, the lagoon is drained at least once a week and the floors are scrubbed clean. We saw this first hand one night while we were there. They do it in the evening when the lagoon is not in use so as not to inconvenience resort guests.
This is one of the many pools.
Pool caves by Kilimanjaro Cafe.
Brian drinking fresh pineapple juice at Kilimanjaro Cafe.
It was the freshest pineapple juice either of us had ever had. It even had bits of fruit in it. Brian didn’t like it as much because of that so he gave it to me. He prefers not-so-fresh pineapple juice, I guess. I loved it. It was delicious. Way better than any pineapple juice I had ever had!
Brian and I went biking around the property one afternoon.
We also did some exploring. The property is huge.
Mom and dad did some kayaking.
We all had a fantastic time at Plantation Bay. From check in to check out (with the exception of the time when we had an afternoon snack at Kilimanjaro and the server and hostess were inattentive) everyone was just amazing. All of the staff were friendly and helpful.
Even the pool guy who was cleaning the leaves off the water features at Mogambo stopped to help us with our bags when he saw us carrying our bags. He took our bags from us and carried them the rest of the way to the lobby area and then phoned the front desk so they would have a cart come pick us up.
Despite our desire to carry our own bags, we never had to do that the entire time we were there. Either the cart driver or one of the other staff would always beat us to it. Service was just out of this world. It was a pleasant surprise because there is no tipping at Plantation Bay.
We didn’t take advantage of the butler service because Brian and I prefer to fend for ourselves, but I read in the resort brochure that they do packing and unpacking for you, as well as shoe shines and minor sewing/clothing repair. We enjoyed our stay at Plantation Bay so much that we are already planning our next stay. I think we all agree that we will stay more days next time. 🙂
P.S. You can see more pictures here.
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Replies to "More Photos from Plantation Bay"
Plantation Bay Resort and Spa on November 15, 2012
Can you please e-mail this link and your complete name and address to so we can facilitate sending your gift certificate?
Thank you.
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Plantation Bay Resort and Spa on October 18, 2012
Hello. We currently have a blog promo for those who had been to Plantation Bay. You may want to enter this post for a chance to win a 3-night stay. Thank you.