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Our 22nd Anniversary

Posted on October 7, 2024 by under Food and Drink, Life.    

UntitledWhat did we do on our actual 22nd wedding anniversary? It was pretty low key but did get to check out a new place. Neither of us had been to Elderslie Farm before and we’d heard great things so we decided to start our day there. I’ve had their food before when my friend Chris and I ate at 1400 at the Wichita Art Museum. I really enjoyed it so I knew I would like the food at Bramble Cafe at the farm. The big question was whether Brian would like it.

I’m glad Brian was a good sport and was down to check it out even though it’s quite a bit of a trek from our house. It seems so far away because it’s in Kechi but, when we finally got there, we both concluded that the drive really isn’t that bad. And totally worth it to experience something that you wouldn’t normally in Wichita.


Here’s a picture of the menu for when you decide to go.


Here are some pics from breakfast.


Brian always gets black coffee – no sugar or creamer. He jokes that he likes it black like his soul. I almost always get some sort of mimosa, unless the place offers a specialty breakfast cocktail. Because I’m always down to try new drinks that I’ve never had before.


You can pretty much tell who ordered what based on these food pics.



Naturally, we had to a take a selfie by the sign since it was our first visit there.


Later that night we continued the celebration at Red Rock. It was a place we used to go to all the time when we lived in Northeast Wichita but we rarely ever go there anymore. There are just too many restaurants in the regular rotation.


Our friend Bo works there so we asked for his section.


Here are some pics of our food.





And of course you can’t go there and not get the “something chocolate” dessert. It’s our favorite dessert there.


Cheers to another amazing year! May we have many more years of celebrating ahead of us!

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