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Larcher’s Market Revisted

Posted on May 31, 2024 by under Food and Drink.    

When we learned that Larcher’s Market has lunch menu items, we decided we would go there for lunch one day and check it out.





Both Chris Townley and Brian got the chicken sandwiches while I had a burger. As much as I love Larcher’s coffee and the whole idea of it all, I would not recommend going for lunch. I think the most disappointing part of the experience was the lack of ample seating. I think the seating itself would not be an issue if people weren’t just hanging out in there. When we were looking for a place to sit, there was literally this girl sitting by herself reading, sprawled across a couch in a seating area that could easily fit five people (maybe even six). There were several people, just hanging out talking. So, since there were all of these people just sitting there not having lunch, there was literally nowhere for people who were planning on having lunch there to sit and eat.

I think we probably would have been more forgiving about the food, if we weren’t so cranky about not finding anywhere to sit. Brian felt his chicken was mostly breading and very little chicken. My hamburger was just okay. Overall, we found the lunch options limited and a tad overpriced. I think we are spoiled because you can get great burgers and sandwiches at Local Flavor for a lot less and there’s never a shortage of tables.

Anyway, Chris and I still love their coffee. And, the breakfast options are better than anywhere else. Plus, they serve breakfast all day. This is probably one of the reasons they felt they could get by with limited lunch selections because people could easily order breakfast items for lunch instead. So you’ll probably see us still going back there time and again. However, I’m never going back for lunch though.

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