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The Belmont

Posted on January 9, 2024 by under Food and Drink.    

We’ve made two trips to the Belmont this year already but who’s counting? LOL. Brian and I were so excited to hear that our favorite chef, Jen Reifschneider, recently joined the Belmont team. The Belmont is our “go-to” place to eat and we went there nearly every week last year. I told him we will probably go even more now. But I hope they don’t get rid of the pork belly banh mi sandwich. It is my absolute favorite.


Here are some pics I snapped from our recent visit.


We got the pimento crab dip. Did you know that the chips are pretty much bottomless? All you have to do is ask.


We weren’t very hungry so we just had the crab dip and fries that time.


I did get two of my new favorite drink – the Johnny Applesage.


And then we shared a creme brulee for dessert. I really like the creme brulee there. Brian says he still likes the one at Bonefish better because they give you more. The one at the Belmont is absolutely perfect for me.


Anyway, we went back again after my pickleball (and Brian’s gaming) last Sunday for late lunch/early supper. SIDE NOTE: Sunday is the best time to go because it’s happy hour all day on Sundays.


I got me a yummy Berry Manilow this time.


Brian got his usual ham and cheese sandwich and I tried to get the pork belly banh mi but they only serve it at lunch. We were there too late.


One time I was there for dinner and the server offered to ask the kitchen if they could make it and they actually did make it for me. Our server didn’t offer that option this time and I didn’t want to be difficult so I just chose their chicken salad sandwich instead. It is also very good. The square-shaped croissant they use in the sandwich is perfectly flaky and delicious.

The day before this I was at Red Bird with Alice and had the magpie (their version of the chicken salad sandwich) – also good. I guess it was a chicken salad kind of weekend for me. Anyway, if I could have the bread at Belmont filled with the chicken salad from Red Bird that might just be the perfect chicken salad sandwich.

By the way, you might have noticed that I am no longer closing my posts with “GNG.” That was short for “Good Night, Grandma” which was Brian’s grandmother’s request. She can’t see anymore so Brian got rid of her computer a few months ago. Anyway, for a long time after, I was still ending posts with “GNG” but then realized the one and only person who actually knew what that meant was no longer reading the blog so I have since stopped.

One could argue that I should also stop writing in the blog altogether but it has existed long before Brian’s grandmother started reading it, and actually a form of it was existed even before Brian. The online version has existed for about 30 years but I have always kept a journal or diary as far back as I can remember. Whether or not anyone is reading is of no consequence because I’m keeping this log for me. It will be fun to look back and read about all that I’ve experienced when the time comes – long after my memory is gone.

So, yeah.. It is now 2024 and we’re just going to keep on going.

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