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Chicken N Pickle Ambassador MiLP

Posted on September 21, 2023 by under Pickleball, Travel.    

I got to meet and hang out with fellow Chicken N Pickle ambassadors at the first ever Chicken N Pickle Ambassador Minor League Pickleball event a couple of weeks ago at Chicken N Pickle – Grapevine.


Brian and I got there just in time for the tail end of the free open play (practice session) for ambassadors on Saturday afternoon and so I got to hang out with the Kansas City ambassadors as well as meet a few others who I hadn’t met before. The super fun Kansas City team (KC Picklrs) consisted of Kyle VonAnh, Craig Morford, Danielle Piorier, and Suparna Garinger.


Here’s a picture of the player briefing at the start of the morning.


Noi barely made it in time for the group photo!


I got some fun team uniforms made for us just for the occasion. Nicole, my go-to person for pickleball shirts, talked me into using glittery vinyl for the text. Noi didn’t have any plain black shorts so he wore some dino shorts. All of his shorts are colorful. This is the closest to black shorts as he could get.

Untitled Untitled

This next pic is of me and Kendra with Suparna (left) and Lindsey Vermillion, who is in charge of the Chicken N Pickle ambassador program.


Brian was able to livestream all of matches that day. You can find all of them here. We won all of our matches except for the first one. This team, which called themselves “Last Minute” because they were a last minute entry, consisted of four local Dallas-area players (JP Gorby, Chase Orme, Chrissie Hintz, and Jenna Rogers). They were so last minute that they’re not even on this list. They were pretty dominant and went undefeated at the event but we took them to a dreambreaker (singles tie breaker round, if you go 2-2 against another team).


I honestly think the outcome might have been different if we played them last (or at least after we’d already gotten a match or two behind us) rather than first because, not to be biased, our team was pretty amazing. As it was, we ended up taking second. In my mind I’m thinking, we really would have been the champions had they not entered last minute. LOL.

But such is life. None of my last few tournaments have really gone according to plan. In fact, I’ve had to play with a couple of blind dates for mixed doubles in my last two tournaments (PPA KC Open and Tulsa Pickleball Classic). It’s pretty much par for the course and I’ve learned to roll with the punches, and enjoy the beatings along the way. And, I keep on truckin’. Next up, NEO Shangri-la Pickleball Open this weekend. You know I’ll be writing about it. Come back soon. GNG.

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