Wild Night in Rockwall
Posted on June 2, 2023 by Ching under Travel.
We had a wild night in Rockwall and it’s not what you think. Spring is known to bring a few thunderstorms through the area. Well, as luck would have it, a storm rolled through Rockwall while we were sleeping on Saturday night. Around 2 AM on Sunday morning, we were both startled by a loud crash. It literally sounded like someone had thrown a brick through the window. My immediate thought was someone was trying to break in. Of course, I screamed really loud because I’m a screamer. Brian, the take-charge guy that he is, goes “Don’t move!”
I had woken up Wes who was sleeping outside in the living room. He knocked on the door to see if we were okay and we were like, “One sec.” I like to sleep naked so I had to put clothes on first. Then the three of us got to work to figure out the damage and what to do next.
Brian and I put shoes on before tackling the clean up so we didn’t step on any broken glass pieces. Wes went to grab the vacuum cleaner and also started looking for supplies to help us cover the window (scissors, trash bags, tape, etc.). The entire time Saki was nowhere to be found. She jumped off the bed and hid in the closet when she heard me scream. She was completely terrified and would not come out. When we were done with clean up, I went in the closet to get her and she was still shaking. It took me a good 20 minutes to get her to come out and come back to bed with us. I’d never seen her this scared since her first 4th of July as a puppy.
Here are some pictures of the broken window.
Brian picking up the bigger pieces of glass before we ran the vacuum..
After we got the glass picked up, he went outside to take some pics and it was this tree limb that caused the damage.
The window got pretty banged up..
We couldn’t find any tape. Wes did find these little sticker dots that people use to put prices on yard sale items so we used it to stick trash bag plastic on the blinds to keep water from getting inside (in case it rained some more).
This is Brian trying to comfort Saki so she would come out of the closet.
The poor girl was absolutely terrified. Saki hid in the furthest corner of the closet in the dark the entire time we were cleaning up. We looked everywhere for her when we were done and, when we finally found her, she refused to come out.
We eventually got her to calm down and the three of us went back to bed. But it was short-lived. Even though it wasn’t raining, it was still super windy outside and the rusting of the leaves and the trash bag on the window was freaking her out. She eventually hopped of the bed and ran back in the closet to hide. We tried to get her to come out again but she would not and, it’s like 3 AM-ish at this point, we really wanted to go back to sleep so we ended up just moving her dog bed into the closet (it’s a pretty big walk-in closet) so that she could sleep in it.
Everyone on the other side of the house slept through the commotion so they didn’t even know the ordeal that we went through in the middle of the night (or, I guess, that morning). We told the Sagers about it when they got up. Here’s a picture of Molly trying to get Saki to come out.
We got some better pictures of the storm damage in the daylight.
We think this is where the broken tree limb came from..
It was so wild. We’d never even experienced anything like this at home. But then, I guess, there aren’t any big, mature trees in our neighborhood so something like this isn’t likely to happen. We all survived and no one was hurt and Saki seems fine now. She is such a jittery dog. It probably won’t take long for something to happen that scares her again. Here’s hoping not. Until next time, GNG.
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