We Are Officially THAT Age
Posted on February 28, 2023 by Ching under Health, Life.
I’d been suffering from some health issues this past year and so we decided it was probably time for a colonoscopy. Because Brian is the best husband ever, he decided to go through the procedure first so I would know what to expect. We scheduled our colonoscopies two weeks apart. Brian went first and these are pictures from his colonoscopy.
Brian got some sexy yellow socks.
Anyway, Brian wasn’t so concerned about the prep (which most people say is the worst part). He was more concerned about going under because of potential side effects from the anesthesia. But he really didn’t have anything to worry about. His procedure went smoothly from start to finish. Even his prep, which is a nightmare for most people, was a breeze. His colonoscopy came out completely clean and the doctor gave him a pass for 10 years.
Fast forward two weeks later when it was my turn. I wasn’t worried about the procedure because I knew that they would knock me out and I wouldn’t feel a thing but I was quite worried about the prep. The stuff they had you drink tasted disgusting. And, as someone who enjoys eating, I was not looking forward to not being able to eat for several hours.
They gave me fun blue socks and everyone was super nice. They even gave me multiple blankets to help keep me warm. It’s very cold at the surgery center and even coldest in the surgery room.
Unlike Brian, whose procedure was scheduled very first thing in the morning (lucky duck – his check in time was 7:30 AM), my check in time was 9:30 AM, so I was starving as you can imagine. To top it off, they were running a bit late so I think it was almost 11:00 AM by the time they got me in surgery.
Even though I was hungry, I somehow managed to not be hangry, because when we received the final report from the surgeon (I also had Dr. Sanchez, same doc who did Brian’s procedure) he made a point to describe me as a “pleasant 45 year old woman” – LOL. They had a pretty good playlist going in the surgery room which I think helped with my mood. Of course, I was out for the whole thing so I guess you really can’t be unpleasant when you’re unconscious so I suppose I was pleasant enough while I was awake.
So my procedure went smoothly but they did find some things. Some polyps had to be removed and they banded a couple of internal hemorrhoids which had me sidelined for a week. The doc said no workout or strenuous activity so as not to bust my bands before their work was done.
I felt fine overall but did follow instructions and didn’t play pickleball for at least one week. I had my procedure on a Friday and did have to teach my Aqua Zumba class on Wednesday night because I couldn’t find a sub but that didn’t bother me too much either. By the following Sunday I was playing again so I really only missed 10 days at best.
Although the polyps they removed were benign, they were pre-cancerous so the doctor recommends that I go in for another colonoscopy in five years time. That will be something fun to look forward to in 2028. LOL.
Anyway, this is the most recent development for both me and Brian on the health front. Until next time, GNG.
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Paris Baguette on March 2, 2023
[…] Brian’s colonoscopy, he wanted HomeGrown for breakfast/early lunch. Initially, that is where I wanted to go to but then […]