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Java Junction Helped Brian Function

Posted on December 13, 2022 by under Travel.    


I rhymed! LOL. Our proximity to Java Junction was the one good thing about our rental in Florida. We had to stop here every morning because – Brian. He cannot function without coffee.


Our original rental was only a six minute walk to Pictona but would have been a drive to the coffee shop. It ended up getting damaged during the last hurricane that came through the area so we had to scramble and find another place. We ended up staying at this rental, further away from the tournament venue (about 15-20 minutes walk) but much closer to the coffee shop (about 8 minutes). In the long run, it worked out better for us because then it kept Brian from being in a murderous rage in the mornings.





Kendra and I had an 8 AM start on the first day so the guys just dropped us off and then went to the coffee shop on their own and then came back after so I didn’t get to see the place until the next day when all of us went before going to the tournament venue. That’s when I took all these photos, including the one below.


On the third day, we dropped Ramon off at the tournament. It was men’s doubles day and he was playing in 4.5 35+ division with our friend Jason Doll. After dropping Ramon off, we went to grab breakfast and coffee at Brian’s favorite place before dropping Kendra and Ryan off at the airport to pick up their rental car. They were spending the day at Disney in Orlando.

Ramon also took off for Orlando later that day because he was flying home the next morning. That meant, Brian and I didn’t have anyone to hitch a ride from anymore so we were back to our Ubering ways. Luckily, the coffee place is super close and an easy walk from our rental. I actually did a timelapse video of our walk that morning.

The coffee shop is in the opposite direction of the venue but I didn’t have to play until 2 PM that day so it actually worked great. We went for breakfast and then came back to the house to chill for a bit before going to the tournament in the afternoon. The walk to the tournament was about 15-20 minutes but the weather was beautiful and it kind of worked as a nice warmup for me. Our plan to just Uber back at the end of the day, when I was all pooped from playing singles.

That Sunday turned out to be weird. Ryan and Kendra missed their flight home and, after being on standby at the airport most of the day, the airport attendant finally told them they weren’t getting out and put them on a flight the next morning so they ended up coming back and hanging out at the tournament with us. My singles event lasted until almost 7 PM. I felt bad that they missed their flight but it was nice to have friends their to watch and cheer as I played (Brian isn’t really as enthused and is not a good cheerer; but he was super awesome get filming all my matches this time, though) and we ended up having a ride back to the house instead of having to Uber or walk. Kendra and Ryan crashed with us (our rental had a second bedroom which was convenient) that night and left early the next morning.

Someone at the tournament made a comment that it was super nice of our friends to stay and watch me play, like it was by choice. Had they not missed their flight, they wouldn’t have been there. LOL.

The two of them left super early the next morning because they didn’t want to risk missing their flight again. They flew out of Orlando so it’s a much busier airport. Brian and I slept in a little on Monday because we were flying out of Daytona Beach, a much smaller regional airport, and our flight wasn’t until after noon. We actually went to Java Junction one last time on departure day. Brian was literally there every single day of our stay. No joke!

I am grateful that the coffee shop was there and so close to our place too because Brian liked their coffee and he would not have survived the week otherwise. LOL. Until next time, GNG.

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