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Breakfast with the Hubs at HomeGrown

Posted on December 10, 2021 by under Food and Drink.    

Brian has only been to HomeGrown once before so he wanted to go again recently. We were downtown for an oil change so we were near the Naftzger Park location. They weren’t very busy that day so it was the perfect opportunity. Also, Brian’s first HomeGrown experience was at Bradley Fair so it nice for him to try a different location. There are three locations in town and, although I’ve never been to the New Market Square location, I have no doubt that they are all equally good.


Here are some pictures of our breakfast.


I had the Country Benny. It was so good! It’s basically an Eggs Benedict but made with biscuits and a sausage patty instead of a muffin and ham. I also had them fry my egg hard because I don’t like runny eggs. It had sausage gravy all over instead of hollandaise sauce, with sprinkles of bacon bits on top.

My breakfast was perfect in every way. Everything was cooked to delicious perfection. If I had one complaint, it would be that the potatoes could have been crispier. They were kind of soft.


Brian got what he always gets everywhere — biscuits and gravy with potatoes and eggs. I think that’s what most people order because I saw several of plates looking exactly like this come through.


For Brian, he dumps everything together and that’s how he likes to eat it.


This is how Brian looks before coffee.


This is how he looks after. It’s amazing how much difference a sip can make.


It was a cold day and Brian let me warm my hands with his coffee cup. He is much more amenable once he’s had his coffee and some breakfast in his belly.


I treasure leisurely days like this so much. It’s fun to just hang out and enjoy a nice breakfast with the hubs. Until next time. GNG.

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