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Traveling Home

Posted on March 3, 2021 by under Travel.    

Pictures on our trip home…


I’m so glad I arranged for a car service because the Uber situation in Phoenix is quite horrendous. Drivers just cancel your trip at random. Our Execucar driver actually arrived at the hotel a half hour early. Thankfully, Karen and I were both ready. We arrived at the Phoenix airport around the time he was supposed to pick us up at the hotel.

I breezed through security since I have TSA pre-check and then waited for Karen to go through the regular line because they wouldn’t let her through with me. The flight from Phoenix to Houston was uneventful but it did include inflight entertainment. Karen and I watched Me Before You on the plane. I’d never seen it before and it was really good. Made me cry – bawl, actually.

We had a long enough layover in Houston for a quick lunch. Went to the food court and had Panda Express and then when I got to our gate, look who I found.


It turns out Pat’s earlier flight got canceled and he got rebooked on our flight.


Here’s a pic of Karen and Pat boarding.


Our plane to Wichita was a really tiny one.


I’m not sure what happened but somehow Karen and I weren’t seated together and Pat ended up in the seat in front of mine.


I’m not a huge fan of having to wear a mask for hours on end but I guess that’s what we have to do now in the age of COVID.


Karen was so ready to de-plane.


Pat’s ride ended up falling through so we gave him a ride home. After taking care of the girls and starting a load of laundry, it was of to Chicken N Pickle — my home away from home — for a flight of margaritas because it happened to be National Margarita Day. It was so popular they ran out of paddles for the paddle flights.


The flavors were (from left) strawberry, jalapeno, peach and regular lime. They were a delicious and satisfying way to end my first out of town tournament weekend. Until next time. GNG.

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