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I Miss Molly

Posted on January 24, 2009 by under Babies.    


I started crying the other day after the plumber left. Maybe it was partly because we had just charged $7500 on the credit card, the most money we have ever spent on any one thing (excluding our cars and our house)… but it was mostly due to the overwhelming sadness I felt over not having Molly around anymore.

BRIAN: Why are you crying?

CHING: I’m sad.

BRIAN: Why? Because we just spent a lot of money?

CHING: I miss Molly.

BRIAN: I miss her, too.

CHING: You don’t understand. It’s like breaking up with a boyfriend who you love very much and aren’t ready to break up with yet. Then later you see him living happily ever after with someone else and you’re just heartbroken.

BRIAN: Usually, when I break up with people, it’s for a very good reason and I’m relieved not to be with them anymore… but I see what you’re saying.

Brian and I agreed that we could not have found a better home for Molly. Tita Sol is just fantastic. Tita Sol works part-time so she has more free time to spend with Molly. She cares for her very much and is doing all the things that we never had time to do like train her and show her how to do tricks. Molly is even getting expensive dog food, plenty of play time, and is having her hair brushed at night, every night, before bed. Molly has moved up.

Brian told me that he had a particularly rough day at work the other day and was just looking forward to coming home, picking up Molly and playing with her. I was thinking the same thing, how much I enjoyed hugging and kissing her after a stressful workday. She is just such a sweet and lovable dog. It made me realize that she gave us so much more than we had ever given her. I’m glad that she is with someone who can love and care for her more than we ever could. She deserves better than us.

Tita Sol seems happy with Molly, and Molly is obviously very, very happy with her new situation. I just wish that we could have provided that wonderful home for her instead of someone else.

Related Stories

  • Visiting Molly and Tita Sol on August 31, 2010
  • Tita Sol and Molly on November 29, 2009
  • Our Weekend with Molly on October 10, 2010
  • All About Molly on May 14, 2010
  • Four Laptops and a Bedroom on January 19, 2009

  • Replies to "I Miss Molly"


    Significant Moments of 2009 : Life After Marriage  on January 31, 2010

    […] a new home for Molly. We love Molly so much that we could no longer bear to see her neglected. Now she lives with Tita Sol who gives her the attention and pampering that she deserves. It was a match made in […]

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