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Hairy Legs

Posted on January 3, 2009 by under Moblog.    

I haven't shaved since the waxing in Oct

Brian and I went to meet his parents and grandparents at The Diner for brunch yesterday. The weather was so nice that I decided to wear a skirt sans tights. When I stepped out of the car and into the sunlight I caught a glimpse of my very hairy, super gross legs. That’s what happens when you don’t shave for two months. LOL.

I loathe shaving so I hadn’t shaved my legs since my last full body waxing right before the cruise. I figure that I can hold out until spring when I can get another full body waxing. I mean, I rarely every wear shorts or skirts in the winter anyway. I didn’t expect my legs to look super gross the way they did yesterday.

I had to take a picture just to show how gross they were. Except, much to my disappointment, the leg hairs didn’t really show up well in the picture so you guys aren’t getting the full extent of the grossness. Oh, well. Maybe no one will notice if I don’t shave my legs for another two months. Brian doesn’t seem to mind it. =P

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