Super Busy Day Yesterday
Posted on December 14, 2008 by Ching under Life.
I really should have slept in yesterday instead of getting up at 6:30 am like I normally do. I was clearly not anticipating a long day. Okay, a long but fun-filled day.
The work party at Margarita’s was okay. The food took forever and it was really crowded. I’m glad Angie saved a couple of seats for Brian and me. I don’t know where they would have put us otherwise. Apparently there was a bit of an overbooking situation. We were supposed to have the entire upper level to ourselves, but there was another holiday party going on simultaneously. That contributed a lot to the overcrowding situation.
Anyway, Brian and I won a couple of gift cards. He got $20 to Granite City and I got $20 to Olive Garden. We love both so we were happy, despite the lack of food in our bellies. The food came eventually. As soon as we were done eating, Brian was dying to leave. He wanted to go to Julie and Viktor’s already. I never ever thought that I would see the day that Brian would be itching to go to a tweeup. It was definitely a landmark moment.
I asked him for one dance and then we could go, which I regretted very much because we didn’t figure out that we were supposed to cha-cha to Smooth until it was almost over. Ugh. I wanted another dance, but a deal was a deal so we said quick goodbyes and took off. That as around 9:45 pm or so.
We made it to the Tarm’s just in time for the white elephant gift exchange thing. I had wrapped a digital photo keychain and a screwdriver torch earlier that day so that Brian and I could participate. I threw it in the car as a “just in case” — you know I’m always prepared for anything. I figured if we arrived in time for the gift exchange then we could participate, if we didn’t then we still had two extra gifts for random holiday parties that might come up. No biggie.
Anita Cochran arrived the same time we did. She was like, “We have to hurry! They have been texting me that they want to get on with the white elephant gift exchange.”
We arrived just in time to pick our numbers. Anyway, Emily initially got the digital photo keychain. It was eventually stolen from her, though. The most coveted gifts were the drink fountain thing, the Guiness drinking set, the tic tac toe drinking game, the flask, and soft throw that Anita had brought. Several gifts got stolen and re-stolen.
Amy picked up my second gift, which I felt really bad about because I was hoping that one of the men would choose it instead. She was really gracious about it, though, and was like “I don’t have any tools in my house so this works great.” I think she said that mostly to make me feel better because not two seconds later she was encouraging people to steal it from her, advertising the thing every chance she got. She almost sounded like an infomercial.
Anyway, the only thing that she coveted was Ali’s vase thing. I felt bad that she was stuck with the screwdriver torch thing and I knew that Brian had wanted one for himself when he saw my gift stash so I urged Brian (Brian is pretty easy to influence so he didn’t require much persuasion) to steal it from her, a maneuver that allowed her to then steal Ali’s vase. =P
There was a lot of gift stealing going on. I think Kyle (what is your @name?) was the one who cracked me up the most because as soon as his gift was stolen, he immediately stole the drinking fountain thing. He did it without hesitation. It took about a fraction of a second. It was so funny. And the best part was that it was the third time that the gift had been stolen so it could not be stolen again. He was guaranteed to end up with the gift at the end of the evening.
So what did Brian and I end up with? I opened a gift (I believe it was from Dustin) that consisted of a very cool hangover eye pillow, an icicle Christmas tree ornament, and a pillbox shaped like a capsule. It was never stolen from me so I managed to come home with it.
Brian picked up the very soft throw that Anita brought as I mentioned above, but I think he liked it so much that people were like, “Aha!” Davis ended up stealing it from him so he stole the screwdriver torch from Amy (at my encouragement). It was all in vain, however, as someone else stole the screwdriver torch from him before the end of the evening. He ended up with an airfreshener thing, which he calls “smelly stuff.” He thought it would work great because the guy who sits next to him at work smokes and he figured that the “smelly stuff” would counteract the odor. LOL.
The Tarms have a beautiful home and everyone had a blast. I think what Brian and I drooled over most was their very cool studio. Actually, their entire house is very artsy. It reflects their personalities well. Brian initially didn’t want to stay past midnight but time just flew by. Before we knew it, it was well past one o’clock. Of course, the tweetup was schedule to last until 6:30 am the next day.
Before Brian and I left, Viktor sent me home with a pair of lithos depicting tango dancers. I love dancing so it was my favorite out of the bunch (bunch is an understatement because they have a ton of amazing lithos). I couldn’t believe he gave me both. I was just so overwhelmed with his generosity that I was bursting with happiness. I stupidly exclaimed, “It feels like Christmas!” Well, it is Christmas! Duh?!
I passed out as soon as we arrived home. I must have been really pooped from the previous day’s events because my body didn’t wake me up at six this morning like it usually does. Before I go, allow me to share some photos. You can find the photos I took at the work holiday party at Margarita’s here and then the holiday tweetup at the Tarm’s residence here.
P.S. I heard through the Twittervine that the tweetup lasted until 6:00 am this morning. Holy cow! I think that has got to be the tweetup of tweetups, car or no car through the bar. =P Thank you for a fantastic evening Julie and Viktor!
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