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Ching Locks Herself Out of the House, Hilarity Ensues

Posted on November 22, 2008 by under Family, Flickr.    

Okay, not much hilarity really… But I figured that would make for a good blog title. I am always drawn to reading posts that end in those two words.

For starters, I’m not really ditzy. I’m recovering from an illness so that is what I’m blaming today’s brief mental lapse on. That, and I am so used to my routine.

This morning, I rolled out of bed and got into my workout clothes and got ready to go to the gym. For some reason I was thinking, I should bring my wallet just case I want coffee on the way home. I normally do not bring my wallet or purse when I drive to the Y because it is so close to the house. Plus, then I don’t have to worry about getting a locker and such. I am a bad person (for driving without my driver’s license), but I am in and out AND it’s only for short distances =P.

Anyway, I tweeted a couple of times and then Oscar did that thing where he just jumps into your arms out of nowhere. He wants you to pick him up when you’re not paying attention so he takes matters into his own hands and just jumps. He does it to Brian all the time. It’s no big deal because he is fully declawed (he was already that way when we rescued him, not our idea). Except you are startled when you’re not prepared for it. He actually did that to Brian while Brian was peeing in the toilet one day. He did it to me this morning while I was texting a tweet. Maybe that distracted me? Who knows?

I left the house through the garage door and as soon as I shut the door behind me, I realized I did not have my house keys. Ugh. Normally I would panic, but I’m more mellow now. So I just calmly called my father-in-law. Yes, he was my first phone call this morning when my catastrophe happened.

“Did I wake you?”

“Who are you looking for? Who is this?” Apparently, I did wake him.

“It’s Ching. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you, but I locked myself out of the house,” I explained. “Although, I won’t really have a problem until I get done with my workout and need to get back into the house. Wanna meet me for breakfast later?”

LOL. I figured we could have breakfast after my workout and then they could let me in the house. Problem solved. My in-laws are the best.

Notice anything missing?

When I got to the gym, I sent this picture message to Brian with a note that said: “Notice anything missing? Yup. Locked myself out of the house today.”

I sent the same note to Flickr (I just did two recipients). I thought Brian was on the plane already and wouldn’t get my message until later. Within two seconds from sending my message, he calls me back and tells me he is getting ready to board the plane and to call dad. I was like, “Already called him and everything is under control. They’re meeting me for breakfast at Jimmy’s Egg after my workout.”

I usually don’t worry about bring anything but my car keys to the gym because [a] it is so close to the house (as I mentioned previously) and [b] Brian lets me in when I get home if I forget to leave the door to the garage unlocked (which is usually the case). After my workout, I’m usually tapping on the door to wake Brian up and let me in. Anyway, I totally spaced out the fact that Brian is still very much out of town and will not be able to let me in after today’s workout.

I got to Jimmy’s Egg about 10:15 AM and there was a long wait. I’m glad I got there early to secure a table because then they didn’t have to wait. Took the opportunity to take some photos for a post about Jimmy’s Egg that will go on the food blog. That’ll be later. Anyway, I thought to myself, I’m glad that I had the foresight to bring my wallet so I can at least pay for breakfast. That is the least I can do for asking for a rescue. I think I would have paid more to a locksmith. =P

Here’s a photo of my rescue party…

I am back home now, but not for long. I gotta hit the shower so I can change and go to Cherry Creek nursing home for cards with Brian’s grandparents. I’m hanging out with them until I have to pick Brian up from the airport. That’s the plan, anyhow. Don’t worry. I will remember to bring my house keys this time.

P.S. Stay tuned for the post about Jimmy’s Egg.

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