Life With Our New Puppy
Posted on December 23, 2015 by Ching under Babies.
Our life got turned upside down recently when we met the cutest Shiba Inu puppy at the Light Your Heart benefit a few weeks ago. She was part of the live auction that night to raise money for Heartspring. We named her Saki which loosely translates to “blossom of hope” fitting considering the circumstances.
We were initially looking for a rescue but couldn’t find one we could agree on. The stars aligned perfectly that fateful night and Brian won me a puppy in the auction. An impulsive move, yes, but the money goes toward a great cause so we were fine with it. We also got a heck of a deal. The puppy came with a crate, crate bed, food, and a bunch of goodies. We did have to buy her a collar, food bowls, and a few other things.
We’ve also bought some additional things since for both her and Molly. First was the Snuggle Puppy. It worked so well for Saki that we decided to get one for Molly too.
We also got them both new dog beds for the living room. When we were there last week for obedience training, PetSmart was having a huge sale on dog beds. We couldn’t pass it up. It’s a large one so we initially only bought one thinking they would share. It hasn’t worked out that way and they both liked the bed so we went back for a second one the next day. Now our two tiny dogs both have these enormous dog beds. LOL.
Speaking of puppy training, it’s going well. Saki is learning some things but she’s also picking up some bad habits like barking. She didn’t bark as much until after the first day of class. The other two dogs in class were loud and wouldn’t stop barking. Now Saki is barking a lot more too.
The other down side is you’re in the store so you can’t help but shop. Specially when you end up spotting some good sales. That’s how we ended up with the dog beds. We’re getting great use out of them, though.
Last night Saki learned to go down the deck stairs. She learned how to climb up right away but she’s always been afraid of climbing down. Jay taught her how to do it yesterday. I was so afraid when he was doing it too. I worried that she would tumble all the way down. Anyway, it worked and now she knows how to go down the steps herself. No more having to carry her down. Hurrah! She’s getting faster at it every time too.
Molly is still adjusting. I hope that they eventually become best friends because we really wanted a friend and companion for Molly. We’ll keep you all posted as things progress.
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