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Filipino Christmas Party

Posted on December 19, 2003 by under Family.    

We attended the Filipino Christmas party held at the 4H Club in West Wichita last Sunday. Unfortunately Brian couldn’t go because he had to work so he will be noticeably absent in the pictures that you are about to view. I just went to mom and dad’s so that we could all ride together. So it was just mom, dad, Jen, Logan and myself. It was still a lot of fun though.

It was super duper cold that weekend so as far as clothing options went, you were pretty limited. I ended up just wearing my Express editor pants and a nice top. A top that I just shrank the other day. It’s a medium, though, and it had room for shrinking so I hope that it will still fit me. Besides one of my goals for the coming year is to lose weight so hopefully if it doesn’t, at least I will. Cross your fingers.
Some the pictures below were taken at the Christmas party. The one of Logan and Jen where he is sleeping was taken in the car on the way home. The rest were taken at home when we were singing karaoke using the Magic Mic (or Magic Sing, whatever you want to call it).

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