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An Eventful Month with My Little Sister

Posted on September 12, 2015 by under Life.    

Here’s what we’ve been up to the last few weeks.


Bowling at the Alley. It was a lot of fun until these two intoxicated guys started bowling next to us. It was fine. Just a little annoying. They kept trying to use our bowling balls. Brian had to keep one from taking his ball. The other guy put Nickira’s ball away so then, when it was her turn, she couldn’t bowl. We finally asked them what they did with her ball and the guy who put it up went back to get it and brought it back for Nickira. I think the only thing that kept them from messing with my bowling ball was that the finger holes were too small for either of them.


Bouncing around at Get Air.

Nickira and Ching. Get Air.

I’d never been on a trampoline before so I was really tentative. Nickira was really fearless. She was doing cartwheels and flips all night long. I wish I had her energy.

BTW, it’s a lot harder to get out of a foam pit than you think.


Cheering the Wichita State University women’s volleyball team.


Kira even got a ball.


We’ve been having a ball (pun intended) but I’m really hoping that next week we can just stay home and do homework instead. I’m exhausted!


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