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Standing Tallgrass Short Film

Posted on August 5, 2015 by under Things to Do, Travel, Videos.    

Here’s the film that inspired our visit to Flying W Ranch.

Standing Tallgrass | Imagine Kansas Short Film Series 01 from Westar Energy on Vimeo. From early on, Jim Hoy was involved with the Symphony in the Flint Hills that helps bring attention to preserving the tallgrass prairie near Clements, Kansas. He and countless other Kansans are working to protect this picturesque part of our landscape so that the next generation will be able to enjoy its beauty. Westar Energy shares Jim’s passion to push Kansas forward and is working right alongside him and our fellow Kansans to make it happen.

This film is part of the #ImagineKansas Short Film Series presented by Westar Energy. Watch all the films at

Filmmaker: The Hadley Group, Stilwell –
Original music: Sam Billen, Lawrence –
Narrator: Jason Aldrich, Bonner Springs
Still photography: Mark Feiden, Mission
Still photography: Harland J. Schuster, Morrill
Still photography: Austin Colbert, Hays

You can learn more about the ranch in the next video.

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  • Replies to "Standing Tallgrass Short Film"


    Observer  on August 12, 2015

    Do we really need an ad for Westar? Do you really think they give a crap about the Flint Hills? If they did they wouldn’t have built that polluting monstrosity known as Jeffery up in the middle of them. You are so caught up in the corporate B.S. that you can’t see it.

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