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Things Were Going So Well

Posted on December 23, 2014 by under Life, Things to Do.    


Things were going so well… until I got sick. Here’s what I missed documenting because we got super busy with stuff.


Brian and I got to watch a Shocker game. Thanks to our awesome neighbors for passing their tickets our way while they were out of town. Men’s basketball tickets are in high demand and difficult to come by because most of the games are sold out and people with season tickets do not give them up.


My friend Hideki who can always be counted on covered for me in my 11 AM Zumba class so Brian and I were able to enjoy a nice leisurely lunch at Granite City before the game.


It was a wonderful afternoon, punctuated by more fun and games in the evening at Becca’s birthday party/luau.


Mama Dill did an awesome job organizing games. Jay provided fantastic food.


Oh, and Jay and Becca have some awesome neighbors as well. We know this because we went to the wrong house at first and they actually let us in. We think they were after the pies, though. Jokes aside, Brian and I were really grateful that they allowed us to realize our mistake on our own rather than slamming their door on our faces. Granted, I wouldn’t have slammed the door on anyone but I wouldn’t have let complete strangers into my house. Then again, this was Thanksgiving weekend so maybe people are just super nice and exceedingly trusting around this time of year. Good thing we aren’t a couple of serial killers like Juliette Lewis and Brad Pitt in Kalifornia.

The following weekend was the white elephant gift exchange at our house. I know it seemed really early in the season but we always get so busy as Christmas approaches and it becomes even more challenging to get everyone together. I was worried no one would play, but we had a pretty good turn out.


Brian and I also attended my department holiday celebration at Emporia Country Club. It was a long drive but worth it. It’s always nice to spend time with coworkers outside of work. Since I don’t really take breaks (except to have lunch with Brian or go home and let the dog out) I don’t really get much opportunity to visit with coworkers about non-work stuff. I’m grateful for opportunities to mingle and visit on a personal level.


Of course, immediately after I say this I show you pictures of Faith, Nickira, and Noel at a basketball game. Faith is more than just a coworker to me. Our friendship really developed this year. When I found that I could get extra tickets to the WSU women’s basketball game against K-State (thanks to Big Brothers Big Sisters), I immediately thought of Faith and her daughter because I knew they would enjoy it.


I was able to get quite a few tickets so in addition to saving a couple for Faith and Noel, I gave some to my team members also. That’s why you see Shanda and Nykole in the background in the photo above.


It was my first time watching the WSU women’s basketball team play. Their games are not as popular as the men’s (which was good for us because we got to sit just a couple of feet from the floor and watch the game unfold up close, rather than having to watch from the nosebleed section) but they are amazing in their own right. K-State was in the lead at first and then WSU took the lead. By half time it looked like it was going to be a blowout until the last 4-5 minutes when K-State mounted a comeback. It came down to the last few seconds because it was anyones game at that point.

What also heightened the excitement was that Faith had some friends from her church sitting right behind us and they were cheering for the opposing team. It’s always fun when you have people to tease and rile up during the game.

Just one more video clip from that exciting basketball game…

In other exciting news, team Alobaker finally made #1 on our Sunday night bowling league. This is huge because we were one of the bottom teams during the first month of Fall league season. We started to mount our offensive while mom and dad were on vacation in the Philippines. I recruited a couple of ringers to sub for us. LOL.


We joked that we were booting mom and dad out of the team because we were starting to do really well. When mom and dad returned our luck (awesome bowling performance?) continued and we continued our slow and steady climb to first place. We still have several weeks to go so I hope we can keep it up.


Oh, and since I really enjoy making you all jealous, I’m posting pictures of my two newest keychains. I worked hard for these! 😉


You don’t care about the keychains? Fine.


What about this? We finally got an Xorbee Xotic!


Here’s what it looks like immediately out of the box, before expanding.


We been eyeing one of these for almost two years. Ever since I got my giant floor pillow from them. We had to save some money first, though. We are now enjoying the heck out of it. Well, Brian more so than me. He uses it as a gaming chair/bed.


I have a few more things to catch you guys up on but that’s pretty much everything that happened until I caught the crud that is going around. I hate getting sick because everyday there is something exciting happening and when I’m sick I can’t participate. Everyone knows how much I like to be involved. I prefer living life rather than just watch it go by and often wish I could multiply because it seems like several things are going on at the same time and I want to do it all.

The first night that the flu finally hit me, we had originally made plans to have dinner with Jay and Becca at Red Rock. That same night my friend Cari had a cookie swap. I really hated that I could do neither. It all worked out for the best though, because we’re going to do a rain check on dinner. Brian had to work that night anyway and wasn’t going to be able to join us. I know there will be another cookie swap because they have these fairly regularly.

I guess this is all I have time to document for now. Come back in a couple of days for more updates on this well-documented life. Happy Holidays!


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