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My Favorite Chess Matches

Posted on July 15, 2014 by under Games.    

Our recent vacation to the Dominican Republic revived my love for chess. Brian’s game has really improved a lot making the game more enjoyable for both us. He used to be really easy to beat, which made the game frustrating for him and not really that enjoyable for me because it wasn’t much of a challenge. He is a much more formidable opponent these days. Either I’m really rusty or he’s tremendously gotten better. I’d like to think it’s the latter but it’s probably a little bit of both. I’m not as strategic as I used to be and tend to move pieces on whim rather than careful planning.

Though he hasn’t won a chess game since we returned from Dominican Republic, I can’t say that I’m easily dispatching him as I did before. I’ve found that I can no longer take it easy. Our chess matches (we’ve been playing regularly on our old school chess board — about three to four times a week) have required much more concentration on my end.

Anyway, all of this recent chess playing has made me wax nostalgic over the good old days on Red Hot Pawn. I used to play on RHP ten years ago as PerverseAngel. I used that screen name because Brian used to have DarkAngel as his username for several things and I thought PerverseAngel was a clever oxymoron that sort of matched his screen name. You guys know how much I like oxymorons and puns. LOL.

But I digress… I still remember my very first match on Red Hot Pawn. I posted a screen shot for you guys below because it was so awesome. I was able to get a checkmate in six moves. That doesn’t happen often.

Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 2.02.19 PM

Joeyshirt and Piper11521 used to work with Brian when Brian worked for Cox Communications. They were my favorite opponents on RHP because they played regularly. Both were very good.

I played regularly in 2005 and then started playing less and less. I only played a couple of times in 2006 and a handful of times in 2007. We tried to get back into RHP a couple of years ago but it didn’t have the same appeal. After Brian left Cox Communications (he worked for LSI for a few years before moving to Viega in 2008) there was no one to play with on RHP except for Brian and, if we’re just playing against each other, it’s just as easy to play on a traditional chess board. We’d play at home, at the drive-in (while waiting for the first movie to start), at Bradley fair (during the summer jazz concerts), etc. Chess is a great way to kill time, and it’s great for making wagers also.

I’ve been wanting to get back into Red Hot Pawn so that I can start playing chess with other people again. Not that I’m tired of playing with Brian but we’re starting to get used to playing each other and the games are starting to get predictable. That, and he never wants to play black so I’m usually stuck playing black, which I don’t like either.

I wish there was a Red Hot Pawn phone app. I did find a multi-player chess game app that’s available on both iPhone and Android. It’s working pretty well so far but I only know a couple of people who use it (Brian and Isaac). If anyone wants to play, you can find on Chess Time as Chingay. I’m always up for a game.

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