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Way to Go, Subaru of Wichita!

Posted on March 20, 2014 by under News.    

So this was the big news last week, but the saga continues…


It all started with the protestors. The clever folks at Subaru, specifically my friend Aaron, decided to finish the sentence as you can see above.

It was the most brilliant rebuttal I’d ever seen executed in my entire life. Seriously. I know the protestors intended to have a negative effect on business but it did the exact opposite. It actually focused more attention on how clever the Subaru folks are. They’re so clever I fully intend to buy my next car from them when I’m ready. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. I bet the publicity brought a lot of traffic and sales. Way to make lemonade!

And, just in case you missed it, here’s a video of my friend Aaron on Fox & Friends.

So anyway, the union protestors decided to move their sign to the other side. Not to be outdone, the Subaru folks had an answer. You can’t put clever people down. LOL.

I think the union protestors should pack up and leave now. Best to throw in the towel. It doesn’t matter what you do. You’re not going to win this one.

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